Spartan or Tactacam?

My son and I have several Spartan cameras in Illinois. We leave them year around. They have been very dependable and we use Duracell Optimum batteries in them and they will last over 1 year in the cameras.....even in the heavily traveled areas. We are very happy with them. We have owned several cameras thorough the years and these Spartans have served us the best so far.
I think this might have recently changed with Tactacam. I think you can login to your account through the website. I could be off base though.
That would be a huge improvement to me, as my #1 complaint for the Tactacams is have been limited to viewing pics from a smart phone.

Meanwhile, by all appearances, the Ridgetecs are very, very similar to the Spartans, maybe better, and with a lower price point at purchase. Most of the up-front lower cost cell cams only allow using up to a 32gb SD card, while Ridgetec allows for 64gb, and Browning goes up to 512gb.

If you use video mode, you can fill up a 32gb card pretty quick.

Keep in mind the true costs of using cell cams are best measured over time, not just the initial cost of the cam.

1. What do "x" number of pics cost to be uploaded monthly?
2. How often to batteries need to be replaced?
3. How many years of service can be expected before the cam fails?
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My sister wanted to replace one of my BIL's dead Spypoint cell cameras for Christmas, so she asked for my advice. Anyone tried both the Spartan and Tactacam cell cameras? Which is better? pros, cons?

Tactacam is best best bang for your buck... I've got 6. Cheaper upfront cost and cheaper plans. I also have a Spartan which I did not put out this year, ran with all Tactacams. Spartans are nice with more features, but cost a lot more and plans are more expensive.
I can't speak for the Spartan but I have been very pleased with my Tactacam Reveal X's. I have 3 of them. Placed the first two out in Oct and added a 3rd to my new land in Nov. 2 of 3 still show 90% battery and one which has taken more pics is showing down to 30% now that I'll change batteries out on this weekend. Pics are 10x better than the SpyJunk cam I have.
I have a good buddy that has been running ridgetec cams for 2 seasons now and they seem bulletproof. If he has had trouble I have not known about it.
...... to the Ridgetecs before he purchases more. They are remarkably similar.
Do you have a Ridgetec? I want to see some images/videos from one that have been transmitted over the air to the app. The latest Spartan models have super clear high resolution images/videos transmitted over the air to the app, not off the SD card.
Do you have a Ridgetec? I want to see some images/videos from one that have been transmitted over the air to the app. The latest Spartan models have super clear high resolution images/videos transmitted over the air to the app, not off the SD card.
Yes, Andy.
I have the Ridgetec Lookout 4g

The Ridgetec Lookout is very overall custom programable. My main application for them is field scan mode (most cell cams do not have this feature).

You simply custom set the resolutions for both the cam, and the uploads, separately set.
If you want every pic uploaded to be exactly the same highest definition taken,
just set it to upload full resolution.

I'm having these cams take pics at the highest resolution, but only auto-uploading at a lower resolution (mainly because most these pics are from the field-scan mode, meaning there is nothing there but a field being scanned, most of the time). If I see something for which want more detail, just request the cam send the full resolution of that pic.

One thing different than most cell plans:

With the Ridgetecs you pay for the actual transmitted usage more than a monthly plan fee.

Depending on just how you use these cams, this could cost you either more or less than other plans. But whether you have a single Ridgetec or a dozen, you only need a single plan, and you can seriously "choose" what you want from that plan.

One of my complaints with Browning is they limit me to 6 cams on a "plan". I'm not sure if the per cam per month cost is going to work out to be less than the 6-cam Browning plan, but I "like" the versatility of the Ridgetec plan better than either Browning or Tactacam.
My sister wanted to replace one of my BIL's dead Spypoint cell cameras for Christmas, so she asked for my advice. Anyone tried both the Spartan and Tactacam cell cameras? Which is better? pros, cons?
I have SPARTAN GoLIVE, phenomonal cameras, AMA ( i now own 2 of them)