Has anyone else tried the SpyderWeb targets yet? They are like the old BagDad targets out of KY. I have a smaller SpyderWeb that I use in my office at home to shoot indoors at 9' (very handy for release work). These targets are the best fieldpoint targets I've ever shot...and I've tried all the bags and blocks.
The Archery Den in Franklin is carrying these and will have some of the smaller targets in stock. I ordered a range size target for use at home. It's pretty big so hopefully the kids can hit it. I plan to sucker Rich into helping me build a proper target house for it Labor Day weekend
The Archery Den in Franklin is carrying these and will have some of the smaller targets in stock. I ordered a range size target for use at home. It's pretty big so hopefully the kids can hit it. I plan to sucker Rich into helping me build a proper target house for it Labor Day weekend