Stalked him in a pour down for 2 hours!

We let him walk past at 40, let him crest the hill out of sight then began our stalk. When we got to the crest I crept ahead and to my surprise he was bedded 15yards! Rain noise covered our steps. He noticed us and got up. Walked straight away. We let him walk away again. Circled around 200 yards and got close again but every time that we were in range (30 yards) something wouldn't be right ( sticks, trees, wrong angle)This game played out for 2 hours until we finally had a clear 23 yard shot. Honestly the craziest, luckiest, most unexplainable hunt I've ever witnessed. I can't credit our hunting prowess, all I can say is it was meant to be. And after all the effort today I must say she deserved it.
Thank you for the extra details. Very cool and she definitely more than earned the results. Wow!