Stand to ATV Distance

It does. Access is always a big key. Like I said before we never use to hardly. There are situations where it would be and could be better. I think I will own a e bike before next year I think that is a perfect in between. I could be wrong but I thought years ago there was a study about 4 wheeler uses and most of those came out to be negative. I could be wrong but I thought a read a few studies about them. I will say for us most of our places I have don't have a lot of options to park it anywhere, and hunting big deer where it's tough to even get one opportunity at him I'm not taking a chance on a side by side spooking him. The great thing about hunting is there are no 1 way to do anything. A lot of things work.
I hunt exclusively here at home. Most of my stands I walk all the way in and only get the sidexside if I kill one.
If I'm hunting one of my shooting houses by a food plot I ride in and park 100-200 yds away. On more than a couple of occasions I've seen deer still feeding in the plots as I approach the shooting house. One time on a morning hunt as I was coming out I had two does standing within 10 yds of my wheeler.
I do think they pay more attention to an ATV in the morning before daylight than in the evening. Possibly from the headlights or because they are not a accustomed to hearing it so early in the day.
I generally give myself at least a 200-yard walk to the stand from the side-by-side, but I've had it close enough I could see it. And I've watched deer walk right past it. They show no aversion to the parked vehicle, but quite a bit of aversion to it when its being driven.
I watched deer walk right by a side by side in the woods a little earlier this season. They were less than 10 yards from it. I believe they are conditioned here though, and associate side by sides with corn being dumped.
I'll add one of my favorite @Specializedjon quotes here 🤣

Our fathers and grandfathers smoked Lucky Strikes and drank beer in the tree stand. Nuff said.
Edit: Wearing red and white flannel shirts and jeans 😂 camo.

I'll add that they didn't have ATVs, but if they had, they would have been parked at the base of the tree because that is where their cooler would need to be. :cool:
If it is legal to bait where you hunt, spread corn around your ride.
The deer won't associate the vehicle with humans, they will associate it to the corn.
Don't pile it up, broadcast it, the deer with find every kernel.
When they see the vehicle, they will come looking for food.
Vehicles don't bother deer.
Once while bowhunting in WVA, sitting in a treestand, I could see my truck parked in the edge of the field, 300 yds away.
A big buck came walking across the field toward my truck.
When he was next to my truck, I used my remote start to start it.
It started, the lights came on, I honked the horn....he never hesitated , just kept right on moseying along like my truck didn't exist.
I killed him (or one very similar) three days later in the gun season.
Big mature deer will not tolerate a lot of disturbances no matter human or atv. Other deer are much more forgiving.
You can tell much about the type of hunter you are dealing with, by how close he parks to his stand;) Some deer could not give a rip, while others, know you are there.
by what I've read on this topic of discussion by members posts. I've summed it up to this. If tractors are used often or ATV'S are driven around pretty regularly side by sides whatever the case may be. If the deer are use to hearing seeing and smelling those. And no harm ever came there way while those modes of transportation were in use. Then I'd say it would be less intrusive by a long shot to travel to a from your stand with those. Even hunting from them would be better than walking with human scent everywhere. Deer that are not use to them probably a totally different story. Might be just as intrusive as human scent at that point. Just my observations.
From my experiences, it isn't "sometimes," it's all the time! Back when I used to walk to my cameras, it would only take one or two visits before pictures from that camera started to decline. Now that I only ride right to my cameras on an ATV, I can leave some cameras in place for three or more months and still keep getting the same number of pictures at the end as the beginning. I'm so serious about riding an ATV to cameras that if I can't get an ATV to a spot, I don't put a camera there.
I agree, I think if you are on your property more often then not , a Atv doesn't hurt anything

What's is the picnic basket Bo Bo….😁
I starting to feel a paradigm shift for me. For years we've had designated parking places for atvs at club stands & food plots. During off season there is pretty much someone here messing around most weeks as several of us are retired. We trap, turkey hunt, chainsaw work, summer & fall plots, clover spraying, logging, run cameras (30-40) family time etc... Those designated spots may be worse than just parking wherever one wants. Can't tell you how many times I've seen deer at our tractor shed & tracks inside of it.
I had both knees replaced in May. I always walked to my stands, the last couple of years I just couldn't. This year my recovery is coming along fine. All my function has returned but I'm still building stamina. The closer stands I'm walking to as I need the workout. I ride the golf cart to about 100 yards to my farthest stands and try to make sure they are downwind of me. I've often thought that the sound of a person walking in the dark is more disturbing to the deer than the sound of equipment, but hey, I've been wrong a lot.
The less your feet, hands, clothing, etc. touch the ground and plants the better.
In my experience vehicles don't spook them enough to run. Seeing a human and smelling them does.
It's all just basic conditioning. Deer, like any animal, can be conditioned to accept just about anything that does them no harm. It all comes down to repetitive conditioning, and whether or not something makes them feel threatened.
Could care less about who actually cares or not. Just stating my opinion on how one's attention to detail when hunting, helps me determine what type of hunter I may be talking to. No right or wrong. All kinds of hunters.

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