Standing Rib Roast - Publix


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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Middle TN
Standing Rib Roast at Publix
$6.99lb, limit 2
18-24 December

What I like about Publix is that you can just go in and buy it.
To the the same meat at Kroger (for $1 less), you need the Kroger card, then download the digital coupon. Then at the checkout the Kroger+ apparently wasn't linked to the account, then the digital coupon wasn't being recognized at that store. The Manager kept having to do overrides. What an entire goat rope!!!
Publix screwed up. Which one of these did I buy?
Publix screwed up. Which one of these did I buy? View attachment 257909
IF the weights are wrong, Im certain you bought the one on the right! If they are correct, its a wash either way. Looking at the pics though, I cant see the one on the left weighing twice as much as the one on the right!
If the one on the left is the last one in the case,, Im going to insist they weigh it again and price it at the per lb price.
$4.47/lb here at HEB
$4.77/lb here at Kroger

I cut my ribeyes almost 2" thick, salt, and vacuum seal to eat throughout the year. I smoke ribs separately.

And yet people here still cook chicken 🙄