Rye grain is the easiest thing in the world to grow. I had some germinate on a truck tailgate one time.I'll give it a go if I can find some seeds. Thank you.
Rye grain is the easiest thing in the world to grow. I had some germinate on a truck tailgate one time.I'll give it a go if I can find some seeds. Thank you.
Soybeans don't turn to sugar in the cold. Up north, standing beans are a hot food source when snow is covering the ground because the beans are about the only thing not covered by snow.I've heard from friends in other states that it's because a freeze or two makes the plants turn "sweet" when they convert to sugar. Think carbs.
Soybeans don't turn to sugar in the cold. Up north, standing beans are a hot food source when snow is covering the ground because the beans are about the only thing not covered by snow.