Stay or leave when a Deer blows

Stay. A lot of blowing right now is at pestering bucks.
Yep, seen that many times, or could be coyotes. Had a young deer blow right after I got in the stand a couple weeks ago. No way the deer winded me, and shouldn't have seen me. Later on watched a little deer come across and stop and stared to my left. Looked over where the deer was staring, and there was a not so wiley coyote. Shot the yote and shot at a second yote and went on to see more deer after the commotion.
Pack it in. What county are you hunting?
(If it's the same county as I'm hunting I need to know, so that I can head home as well.)
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Stay. This morning I was walking towards my back parcel and stopped behind a brush pile to watch some does feeding on acorns about 150 yds away. I stopped, hoping a buck was nearby. Unfortunately, I did not see a sentry doe that was between me and the group, hidden behind an oak only 40 yds away. She blew and ran towards the other does, stopping where they stood. They looked up, one stomped two times, then they all (including the doe that blew) went back to feeding.

This is only one of several times this season a doe blew but nearby deer either didn't react by leaving the area. Other times one blew and left, but deer came in after the fact.
Deer blowing is a good sign your in an area with deer. It may be they aren't blowing at you. I always check the wind to see if the sound is from down wind. Sometimes a blowing deer will attract other deer too. I keep a deer blowing call handy and when they blow, I'll blow back at them. I can't say it works but it does usually stop them from blowing more.
I snort back at them! They'll always come looking and you'll usually get a shot with a rifle/muzzleloader. If they do spook then they were gonna do that anyway and it shuts em up and speeds up the process.