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Food Plots Summer Crimson Clover?

And people wonder why I'm so sold on Browning cams.

How do you like that sorghum? Deer have already wiped out most of the soybeans. Next year I'm planting them much heavier. Only went with 40#/acre this year. Going to go with 60#/acre next year. No worry over plant overcrowding as the deer eat the plants as fast as they can come up.
Sorgham will be 2-3x taller when you get to the end of this month. It grows crazy fast and puts down some nice roots to aerate the soil.

I wouldn't stress about the beans getting eaten out, they really aren't designed to survive the browse pressure in the small plots. I plant them hoping I'm getting a little nitrification before they get eaten out, and keeping the local deer keyed in on areas I plan on killing them in the fall. Neither may be effective in the real world, just makes sense to my brain.

The problem with increasing the amount of beans is #1- cost. They are the most expensive part of the blend. But #2- getting too many beans to germinate may negatively affect sorgham/ millet density. And you need the sorgham to get tall to shade out and out compete summer weedy grasses. The beans grow faster than the sorgham for the first 2-3 weeks, then the sorgham really pops and takes over.
Our clover is STRUGGLING right now. We keep getting missed by all the rain passing through. It is shriveling up to nothing in this heat with no rain. Really hoping it’s salvageable.
Our clover is STRUGGLING right now. We keep getting missed by all the rain passing through. It is shriveling up to nothing in this heat with no rain. Really hoping it's salvageable.
I had that problem late June (went three weeks without rain in this heat), but we've gotten lucky early July. Two rains totaling 2.75"
The problem with increasing the amount of beans is #1- cost. They are the most expensive part of the blend. But #2- getting too many beans to germinate may negatively affect sorgham/ millet density. And you need the sorgham to get tall to shade out and out compete summer weedy grasses. The beans grow faster than the sorgham for the first 2-3 weeks, then the sorgham really pops and takes over.
Interesting thoughts. I was seriously considering going without the sorghum next year, but your argument makes sense.
That looks great. Our clover is struggling major and our corn is to. We have missed a pile of rain. Only 1/10th in the last 3 weeks. I sure hope we get some rain. Starting to remind me of 2007.
That looks great. Our clover is struggling major and our corn is to. We have missed a pile of rain. Only 1/10th in the last 3 weeks. I sure hope we get some rain. Starting to remind me of 2007.
My cousin told me the same thing the other day. We can’t afford another ehd year. We also had a huge outbreak locally in 2019, and are nowhere near any sorts of bouncing back from that one.
I've still got Arrowleaf coming up even though I haven't planted it in a decade. And you're right, it's going to seed right now. When I used to plant it, I always assumed it would get me through the 4th of July, but that's about it.
I've still got Arrowleaf coming up even though I haven't planted it in a decade. And you're right, it's going to seed right now. When I used to plant it, I always assumed it would get me through the 4th of July, but that's about it.
Any particular reason you no longer plant Arrowleaf?