Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Info

Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

Southern Sportsman":3af2t0yj said:
It has been posted in other threads, and those who like to turkey hunt LBL are probably already aware:

The spring turkey quota hunts have been suspended this year at LBL. They typically have three quota hunts - a youth only hunt the first weekend in April then weekend hunts the second and third weekends in April. After the last quota, it is open for general public access for two weeks. The quota application period is usually the month of February. Last week they posted the following on their website:

"There will be no draw hunt this turkey season. At the request of many turkey hunters, we will not conduct a turkey draw hunt this season in order to give all turkey hunters an equal opportunity to enjoy a traditional opening day experience. Many turkey hunters expressed an interest in hunting fresh uneducated birds. We are suspending the turkey draw this season to provide this unique experience. Points accumulated in previous seasons will carry over to next season when we return to normal draw hunts.
Kentucky Turkey Hunt Season April 18-30, 2020
Tennessee Hunt Season April 18-23, 2020 and April 24-30, 2020"

They have had these quota hunts at LBL for as long as I've been around. For years it has been 100% draw with 1 priority point - meaning anyone can hunt the first weekend (after the youth hunt) every-other year, and everyone can hunt the two "open" weeks every single year. But they took away 30% of the hunting days, including a designated youth hunt, to appease a few people who whined about not being the first ones to hunt "uneducated" turkeys on a 170,000 acre tract of federally owned (US Forrest Service) public land. And they did so without any public notice or comment that I am aware of.

I have a lot of thoughts on it. I'm not particularly mad about the short term result. In effect it will reduce the gobbler kill and substantially delay the kill that does occur which I think is a good thing given current population trends. And I'm not sure I believe their justification. I have a hard time believing that division under the United States Forrest Service makes management decisions like this based on the complaints of whiners who have the same opportunities as everyone else. Turkeys there are tough to kill. But blaming that on or being upset by other hunters "educating" turkeys on federally owned public land is moronic. But that's their story and their sticking to it. And taking away hunter opportunities on public land to appease a few people who whined about public land turkeys being too "educated" is too stupid to ignore.

After asking around for answers, John Westbrook (LBL "Environmental Stewardship Department Manager") has advised that they are keeping "a call log of hunter input." It feels a little like "let's just change it and see if anyone calls to complain." But, for lack of other options, I will call and complain. Though others might want to as well.



Here is the contact info if anyone want to give their input after the first weekend.
Email: [email protected]
Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

Well my .02 cents... I was an avid LBL supporter for many many years! But with the ever changing society we live in, it has come this. We have seen the hunting world change so much over the last 10 years! I've been hunting since 1978 and using LBL since mid 80's. Hunters have taken a backseat to all other users of this pristine piece of land! We have been pushed out of some areas to make safety zones, we have been cut bonus deer tags because of supposedly lack of numbers! Prices have increased, not as big of a deal to me, I'll gladly pay for use of the area as long as all other party's foot the same cost "user permits".... Camping areas were closed and restrictions imposed on where you can and can't camp. I will make trips there as much as I can, but taking away any quota hunts is absurd! I'm not gonna get into the reasoning that it was to allow hunters to hunt "uneducated birds" as an old friend of mine and member of this forum says, " if you think an animal with the brain the size of a pea is smarter than you, well it probably is!"

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Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

ky doublelung":2bqhmqut said:
I'll gladly pay for use of the area as long as all other party's foot the same cost "user permits"....
KY DOUBLELUNG, I'm in pretty much agreement and experience to all you just posted.

But here's part of the reality of that ever-changing society we live in:

"USER Groups".

We hunters are representing a smaller and smaller "user" group.

Many LBL users simply do not hunt,
nor do they care whether we have or don't have 4 weekends of hunting vs 2 weekends of turkey hunting.

Add to this situation a growing number of "leaders" within the Forest Service (TWRA as well)
who don't seem to appreciate the appeals of hunting to some over bird-watching to others.
A growing group of our "leaders" neither hunt nor fish.
Among those who do, most are not "avid", not "accomplished" in their pursuits.
That's just a growing part of our sad reality.

This year's LBL turkey hunting situation was very much an anomaly,
for which COVID-19 only played a small role.

My hope is that this year's anomaly contributes to more & better turkey hunting at LBL next year.
Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

At this point there is not much difference between a LBL turkey hunter and a LBL bird watcher. Except the bird watcher likely sees more birds than the turkey hunter[emoji1]

We need to somehow convince bird watchers that turkeys are the most important bird there is.

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Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

AT Hiker":qk5fwdyq said:
We need to somehow convince bird watchers that turkeys are the most important bird there is.
At which point that "user group" will demand we stop the practice of killing turkeys!

The sad reality remains that we hunters are in the minority.
Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

Jeez, the whole situation sounds like a total fiasco. Why do so many people continue to hunt it? I guess if I lived 30 min away it would be worth a try, but it certainly doesn't sounds like a destination hunt to travel hours to.

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Re: Suspension of LBL quota hunts - Hunter Input Contact Inf

megalomaniac":1pokpz8g said:
Jeez, the whole situation sounds like a total fiasco. Why do so many people continue to hunt it? I guess if I lived 30 min away it would be worth a try, but it certainly doesn't sounds like a destination hunt to travel hours to.

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If you ever hunted it, you might change your mind.
I kno experienced turkey hunters that have no trouble whatsoever finding and killing
birds on LBL every year. For less experienced hunters it prolly is tough.