That's some GREAT PIC's Congrats!!!!! That's a nice looking bear as well. I killed one with a bow 2 years ago and it's been the hunt of my life. I had never planed on killing a bear but I went to hang a stand about 2 weeks into bow season and walked up on 4 bears and I shot one out of the tree...... It fell down out of the tree and rolled for a few sec. and came running straight at me and I only had a crossbow that I knew was impossible to reload in this time frame,so everything started to run through my head with this bear injured and running at me but he got about 15 or 20 yards from myself and went to the left of me about 10 to 15 yards and fell dead. I thought I was going to have some messy under wear. I don't know which was the most excitement killing the bear or the bear falling out of the tree and running straight at myself,but it's a WONDERFUL HUNTING MEMORY THAT WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN. I'm just glad to have made it out of the woods safe and harvest a bear at the same time. I don't suggest for anybody to shoot a bear and not have something to back up a bow......