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Tag before you drag?

You are the man on this answer but I am still a little confused. Does checking the deer in on the TWRA app constitute a final checkin and thus no need to attach a check in tag.
Checking in on the app is the final stage of the process. It will give you a confirmation number and also email you the details.
I still think the old tags were better if they wanted us to do this. Once you punched those, no going back. A lot of hunters are going to be dishonest no matter what the system is, we cant fix those people, but the honest hunters are gonna do the right thing one way or the other. The app sure is handy but I used to love going by the checking stations and talking to the other hunters and seeing what was taken. But these paper tags are a huge waste of effort!
Right. A person could print 25 tags and place them on every animal they killed, yet still never check an an animal in. It wasn't very well thought out.

Where before we got an official tag with our license that you couldn't duplicate, and was invalid after being punched for the first use.

Those printable tags are a joke, remind me of Monopoly money, just print as many as you'd like. Put them on the animal until you make it home, then throw them away, very easy to cheat this way.
Checking in on the app is the final stage of the process. It will give you a confirmation number and also email you the details.
Yes sir that is correct. Just wanted to have SCN confirm the fact that no paper tag is required once you have completed the check in on the app and gotten the confirmation number. Good hunting.
Go out west and see how far you make it without tagging before you drag.

MS just went to tag before drag for turkeys only. If you don't have a smartphone, you can just write the info on any napkin or piece of paper to attach to the kill. Just like in TN, so easy a caveman could do it.

As an aside, any reputable processor or taxidermist will require the confirmation number before accepting your animal.
While I understand this "tag before you drag" system is convenient, it does have two distinct flaws. (1) Not everyone has a cell phone. (2) Not all people having a cell phone has a smart phone.

There are many of us old farts around who, despite being perfectly technology literate, choose not to use a smart phone for various reasons. Many folks simple don't want to live on a phone 24/7 as younger generations do, despite the convenience they may provide.

I have a basic flip phone which I use for emergency purposes. While it has texting capability, it does not have internet access. This forces me to use this temporary tag until I get home and get on my desktop computer to check in the harvest, or I drive to a physical check-in location to do so, and these are becoming scarcer every year.

The point is technology is not the "be all, know all, solve all" many purport it to be, and, as others in this thread have already pointed out, injecting a bit of common sense into situations as needed should resolve most problems to the satisfaction of all parties involved.

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