While I understand this "tag before you drag" system is convenient, it does have two distinct flaws. (1) Not everyone has a cell phone. (2) Not all people having a cell phone has a smart phone.
There are many of us old farts around who, despite being perfectly technology literate, choose not to use a smart phone for various reasons. Many folks simple don't want to live on a phone 24/7 as younger generations do, despite the convenience they may provide.
I have a basic flip phone which I use for emergency purposes. While it has texting capability, it does not have internet access. This forces me to use this temporary tag until I get home and get on my desktop computer to check in the harvest, or I drive to a physical check-in location to do so, and these are becoming scarcer every year.
The point is technology is not the "be all, know all, solve all" many purport it to be, and, as others in this thread have already pointed out, injecting a bit of common sense into situations as needed should resolve most problems to the satisfaction of all parties involved.