Taking down ladder stands.

I just leave mine up and add a strap every year or two. That is to say I just add a new one and leave the old. Some stands have multiple ratchet straps. If I run out of room, I will cut one of the older ones, leaving the others (obviously) and add one in the one I cuts place.
Something fun that I have that you may not. I have 2 ladder platforms that have had the tree grow around them making them part of the tree. Stands were in the trees before we got the property. Let me tell you how much fun it is to take the 2 bolts out that attach the ladder to the seat platform (to release the ladder and step). That means no room for error on the way down. I take all ladder stands down every season and refurbish, repaint etc. before I place them again in summer. There should be no need to do anything different to remove the ladder from the tree vs putting it up. When I put them up, I tightly attach the ladder ratchet straps around both sides of the tree pushing the tree brace that is attached to the ladder into the tree and making the ladder steady so I can climb up and attach the ratchet to the platform. Now, that doesn't mean the pucker factor isn't high as I scale my way up the ladder.
Does anyone have some handy tips to make the job of removal easier?
I call SCN --- he is the King of Ladder Stands ;)

Seriously, SCN helped me place & move a heavy Millennium ladder stand on a remote high ridgetop saddle, and his experience made it fairly easy. He places & moves lots of ladder stands frequently by himself --- which I do not recommend --- but he does know how to do it fairly safely.
I use two ropes. Tie each to a corner of the stand where it attaches to tree and let drop. Climb down and criss cross ropes around tree and tie off to ladder pulling tight. Then climb back up, undo ratchet, climb down and untie ropes. Let ladder fall or walk it down. Easy peasy.

That's what I do. Safety first.
I mostly use chains on mine but do have some with rachet straps. Really like the idea of cutting the old straps with limb saw.
I leave ladder stand ups. However, I also use turn buckle and chain as well as ratchet straps. I don't trust the nylon ratchet straps.
Take an extension ladder to take the straps off. We use chain and turn buckles on all our stands. Way safer then a ratchet strap. Just loosen everything up and end of year.
pic of the chain and turnbuckle set up, i like this idea, just not sure what size chain n turnbuckles i should get, thx
I plan to take down four, ladder stands now that the season is over. They have been in place for several years and I will probably need to replace all the ratchets straps when they are relocated.

Does anyone have some handy tips to make the job of removal easier?
I leave mine up, but have replaced the ratchet straps with chains and a turnbuckle