Team Alabama


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
Down South
2) Brandon Prater (aka n2deer)
3) Squeaky
4) demp17
5) wareagle22
6) BC
7) north40R
That's because I signed up a long time ago and messed up when signing up.

That's my name, I did it by mistake.
Brandon Prater said:
We will play nice.

Game on

Also, you guys know the drill.... select a captain and an optional co-captain and let me know.... I'm sure you already have a logo, but if you can make the size comparable to the others in the "Team Roster" thread that would be good.... Your captain can PM it to me along with your finished roster and I will post it.
I have my rights fellas. I'm ready for season to hurry up an get here. I'll be off for the first 19 days of season.
[font:TIMES NEW ROMAN][size][color:#000000]TEAM[/color][/size] [size][color:#990000]ALABAMA[/color][/size][/font]

Just in case you would like something in your signature line as well... It isn't quite the same without banners but we can make do...

Feel free to use it, or not.... change it or whatever... Just quote me to get the text string to show.... then copy and paste into the signature line of your profile.
]1) YEKRUT - captain
2) Brandon Prater - co captain
3) Squeaky
4) demp17
5) wareagle22
6) BC
7) north40R
8) mmusso