Tell me what this is.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
...........just chumming the waters for some lively discussion!

Under ASA rules how would you score this arrow!

I would score it a 12, but could easily understand where some would call it a 10. Move that sucker over to the left 1/16th" and discussion over�12 all day long.

I was positive it was a 10 untill ....
That pic has been everywhere today. By my scoring, as of yesterday, it would be a 10, albeit close. I've actually said the words "its as close to a 12 as you can get and not be one".

But evidently I've been scoring things wrong, since taking heat for saying I would call it a 10.

This means...some weekends my score is going to improve dramatically. Those days where I was "a little bit off" in my shooting may actually turn into my best days. LOL.
Crow Terminator said:
That pic has been everywhere today. By my scoring, as of yesterday, it would be a 10, albeit close. I've actually said the words "its as close to a 12 as you can get and not be one".

But evidently I've been scoring things wrong, since taking heat for saying I would call it a 10.

This means...some weekends my score is going to improve dramatically. Those days where I was "a little bit off" in my shooting may actually turn into my best days. LOL.
I was waiting on you to respond . I seen McCarthys response to you on Facebook . I myself would have called it out as well . I have learned that I was scoring it wrong also , apparently . But I don't see my scores improving , after all even scoring like that your only adding 1/16 or so on each side of the bottom of the 12 . Most of the time when I'm just out , it's <1/4" high .
It depends on what kind of day I'm having. Some days I'm on my game and the 12s come easy, inside the ring itself (like Saturday). And there are days I can't seem to buy a 12; being sooo close but out. Those are the days that my arrow finds that little pocket. I always called it "no mans land". Evidently...that 'no mans land' is "a 12 all day long" by ASA scorers lol.
Good discussion! Under the current ASA rules this IS a 12! But I sure have had a lot arrows land like this and were called a 10!I hate the connector rule because I think it creates unnecessary controversy, that could be easily solved by separating the rings!
Dixie -- That's what I said in my Facebook posts; regarding separating the rings. My thoughts were to make the 12 or 12s to be independent of any other rings. No connectors. No merging lines. My favorite line from the movie Oceans 11. "You're either in or your out".
Depends on if it is my arrow or yours :D I have never shot ASA so my opinion don't mean a hill of beans, but based on the second pic I still score that a 10. Move it 1/16th or an inch left and it is a 12 based on the second pic as well. As it sets, no way its a 12. Heck if it was up to me, more than 50% of the arrow would need to be inside the ring to count, but guess its a good thing I don't make the rules.
Even after the pictures I still call it a 10. I agree with CT separate the lines and there is no question about it. I prefer to write scores than to call them. I am all for giving the shooter what they shot but no give me's here.
Toxophilite Phil said:
Even after the pictures I still call it a 10. I agree with CT separate the lines and there is no question about it. I prefer to write scores than to call them. I am all for giving the shooter what they shot but no give me's here.
I thought there was no way it was anything but a 10 . But now that a bunch of pro's have chimed in on this picture including levi , Gillingham, and McCarthy and they all called it a 12 . It made me think about it . I guess by the ASA picture and rules its a 12 .
bowhunter163 said:
Toxophilite Phil said:
Even after the pictures I still call it a 10. I agree with CT separate the lines and there is no question about it. I prefer to write scores than to call them. I am all for giving the shooter what they shot but no give me's here.
I thought there was no way it was anything but a 10 . But now that a bunch of pro's have chimed in on this picture including levi , Gillingham, and McCarthy and they all called it a 12 . It made me think about it . I guess by the ASA picture and rules its a 12 .

This whole webisode of comments surround this subject sure will make scoring an arrow interesting at the next Pro/Am in Tuscaloosa!
bowhunter163 said:
Toxophilite Phil said:
Even after the pictures I still call it a 10. I agree with CT separate the lines and there is no question about it. I prefer to write scores than to call them. I am all for giving the shooter what they shot but no give me's here.
I thought there was no way it was anything but a 10 . But now that a bunch of pro's have chimed in on this picture including levi , Gillingham, and McCarthy and they all called it a 12 . It made me think about it . I guess by the ASA picture and rules its a 12 .

Thanks to the 90-degree rule, this is why it should be called a 12 and not a 10�and the reason why there is so much debate about it. I 100% completely agree�separate the dang lines and problem solved! Or, if you really want to solve the problem just pinwheel the 12 and problem really solved!! :)

I don't see the lines as an interlocking piece of a puzzle. It is a circle not a circle with flaps on it to lock it together. By this definition no wonder so many shooters are shooting up. Maybe why so many fussed and complained about the 14 ring. It was off by its self and there was no question if it was in or out. I admit the top shooters will be the top shooters but with rules like this you can be an average shooter and be made to look like a pro till the shoot off and then get took to school.
Go back and read the official rules pamphlet that ASA mails out with the membership cards and decals. You'll find this picture and you can see why the arrow shown in the beginning of this thread Should be called a 12. I hate the connector lines and wish that the ASA would get rid of them, period!


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