I was just saying When a VOL fan says something like UT will win the East, Fans of other teams say there just looking through Orange colored glasses.
I don't think these experts/Media guys are???I've seen some articles by well known experts that have really really Nice stuff to say about the Vols, But most are probably written by bob living in his mom's basement who could not name 3 players on the Vols team lol.
It's this simple for me it's very hard for me to believe the vols are gonna win the EAST until CBJ proves he can win more then 6 regular season games. I think he can, And I think he will get UT there soon, But next season UT can win ANY were from 6 to 9 games IMO Counting on if the Vols get the Lucky brakes or the Unlucky brakes in some close games And if they can stay healthy or not.