Tennessee vs Florida

Sounds like you like it when they get heated or chippy
Because I said it could happen again Saturday?

like I said twice I don't really have a problem with it . I don't think Barnes has a problem with it.. Stuff like talking smack and doing the gator chop after a W is harmless. has and always will be around basketball. Kinda like TD celebrations or first down celebrations it can look dumb or classless to dance around after a first down, but it's harmless. I'm in favor of homerun pimping also that's still a big NO NO in the MLB..... you can say every bit of that stuff is "classless", but it harmless besides someones feelings may get hurt.

Double cheap shot elbows to the face, I'm not a fan of. Or when the vols player pushed the dude in the back. You can be chippy, trash talk. Celebrate a W. But still PLAY the game the right way with out the cheapshots.

A little chippy trash talk in Bball is no different then a WR or HB getting right in the DBs face and giving the first down sign 10 times a game.
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