CWD management, much like the management of many diseases, is a complex issue featuring significant disagreement. I certainly don't have the answer. My guess is that there's not a single answer. I do have a couple of comments.
First, with the current state of CWD, herd immunity isn't possible. Herd immunity occurs when a significant portion of the population is immune to a disease. This depends on the development of individual immunity within members of that population. Because there is no effective vaccine for CWD & CWD is uniformly fatal, no individual immunity can occur. In my mind, doing nothing, especially when CWD is first found in an area, is a poor option. I completely agree that bringing in snipers & killing every deer possible for a big area is not the right option. My vote would be for increasing hunter opportunity, not allowing baiting & minerals, providing hunters with proper ways to dispose deer that test positive, and limiting transport of deer in & out of the affected area to meat free of lymph nodes & brain/spinal cord. This would be inconvenient for hunters but not awful.
Second, Dr. James Kroll (Dr. Deer) does not have a very good reputation among wildlife biologists & wildlife disease experts that I have asked about him. I don't know if this is because they feel his findings lack scientific validity or they think he's a shill for the captive deer industry.