the general limbs

It would help to acknowledge the choice that other archers make , even though the brand may not be what you choose to shoot . ;)
Not everyone has the same tastes or preferences in bows , shoot what works for you and encourage others to do the same .
I do discourage a new bow buyer not to go to BPS,and buy a bow set up by their clerks.

I saw guys buying bows,and having the clerk tell them what sights, rests, etc. to buy.
I have seen this many many times at BPS in Nasville.

They bought a bow and never even shot it.

People bought bows on Friday night and hunted with them on Saturday morning.
Makes me ill to think about it.
LCU said:
I do discourage a new bow buyer not to go to BPS,and buy a bow set up by their clerks.

I saw guys buying bows,and having the clerk tell them what sights, rests, etc. to buy.
I have seen this many many times at BPS in Nasville.

They bought a bow and never even shot it.

People bought bows on Friday night and hunted with them on Saturday morning.
Makes me ill to think about it.

While I can agree that last minute shopping for a bow is not good because it takes allot of practice to become proficient with any bow , I do not agree with your statement about BPS .
There are some knowledgeable clerks that work there , many have more knowledge than yourself . There are some exceptions , but that can be said about any proshop . Steve's used to be a good proshop when Darrel was just the bow tech , but now that he owns the place and he has hired help , they suck . I would not recommend them to anyone .
Of course the BPS people in the bow shop know more about setting up a bow than I do. I'm not selling bows or setting up bows.

I live within 5 miles of Steves,and I drive to the Mathews dealer 30 miles south.
LCU said:
Of course the BPS people in the bow shop know more about setting up a bow than I do. I'm not selling bows or setting up bows.

I live within 5 miles of Steves,and I drive to the Mathews dealer 30 miles south.

My point is that you can't make a judgement on bow setup if you know nothing about bow setup yourself . ;) Don't rely on here-say .
LCU said:
I never read anything about Mathews doing a recall on the DXT. I may have missed it. Hopefully not,because I plan to consider one as my back-up bow.

Bowtech is making it right with buyers,and that is a good thing.
Why are Bowtech owners so defensive about everything?

Why so anti-Mathews?,and why do you care what Mathews shooters care about Bowtech?

I might buy a Bowtech as my next bow.
It's a lot faster then my Dren.

They didnt recall
Double Drops said:
Buckblaster said:
Double Drops said:
Buckblaster said:
Lots of the new DXTs and drenalins limbs are breaking.

Do you know this for a fact? Show me.


You really don't know if they had limbs break or not do you? They didn't have a recall. You're just going off of rumors.

I said they didnt have recall. Go back and read my post on page 3. Get on the mathews forum, there is a post every 3 pages about limbs cracking/delaminating and breaking. This is on the MATHEWS website. Most of them are drenalins and DXTs. There also reports of DXTs have cam issues.

Links: ... cd=2&gl=us ... 527285.jpg
Your first link is nothing but rumors.

The second pic isn't either a Dren or a DXT.

The limbs that did break were a result of improper pressing. All Drens & DXT's have a label that clearly instructs backing off the poundage before pressing or that will happen. It's really not that difficult.
Fact of the matter is all bows will have some issues once in a while. I have had several bows blow up on me. High Country, PSE, Oneida, and a Darton. I am shooting a Mathews now and have to say it has never given me any trouble.I wouldn't like it if a limb blew but I wouldn't steer away from them either. I have never shot a BowTech but they seem like good bows. I can understand brand loyalty but to bash someone for using something else other than your brand ain't right.
Toxophilite Phil said:
Fact of the matter is all bows will have some issues once in a while. I have had several bows blow up on me. High Country, PSE, Oneida, and a Darton. I am shooting a Mathews now and have to say it has never given me any trouble.I wouldn't like it if a limb blew but I wouldn't steer away from them either. I have never shot a BowTech but they seem like good bows. I can understand brand loyalty but to bash someone for using something else other than your brand ain't right.

I hope that the last comment wasnt directed towards me. Im not bashing any brands. All I said was that on the mathews website there is lots of posts on Drenalin and DXT limbs breaking.

If you shoot a mathews, high five for having a good bow :) , I shoot a bowtech and I dont care what brand bows people use either way.
Buckblaster said:
Toxophilite Phil said:
Fact of the matter is all bows will have some issues once in a while. I have had several bows blow up on me. High Country, PSE, Oneida, and a Darton. I am shooting a Mathews now and have to say it has never given me any trouble.I wouldn't like it if a limb blew but I wouldn't steer away from them either. I have never shot a BowTech but they seem like good bows. I can understand brand loyalty but to bash someone for using something else other than your brand ain't right.

I hope that the last comment wasnt directed towards me. Im not bashing any brands. All I said was that on the mathews website there is lots of posts on Drenalin and DXT limbs breaking.

If you shoot a mathews, high five for having a good bow :) , I shoot a bowtech and I dont care what brand bows people use either way.

I think LCU was doing most of the brand bashing .
My last statement wasn't directed to anyone in particular. I don't care what anyone shoots as long "AS THEY CAN SHOOT IT PROFICIENTLY ENOUGH TO HUMANELY HARVEST GAME". Anyone that knows me, knows I will shoot anything. Cut me a limb, dry it and put a string on it and I'll shoot it. I WILL practice with it enough that, I can 99% of the time, tell you where the arrow is going to be.
I shoot a 2006 BowTech Tomkat, sent hundreds of shots thru it this year alone with no issues except busting arrows and shooting the centers out of targets. I guess I've had upwards of thirty bows over the last twenty years and have found that if you shoot alot and are going for speed you're going to crack limbs. Speed kills, in both directions imo. Not that I've ever shot a lighter than reccomended shaft or anything. ;~)

My bet is it's the quest for a high ibo speed rating that's caused the issues with bowtech. My fav thing about mine is the little american flag sticker with "in God we trust" printed across the bottom, well that and it shoots hard.

I live only a few miles from the High Country plant and some of those guys are bragging about 340+ fps out of their new stuff and they say they can be dry fired. How long before those limbs start exploding? And what kind of warranty should they offer? I think maybe I'll wait a little while before rushing out to buy one.
Yank said:
I shoot a 2006 BowTech Tomkat, sent hundreds of shots thru it this year alone with no issues except busting arrows and shooting the centers out of targets. I guess I've had upwards of thirty bows over the last twenty years and have found that if you shoot alot and are going for speed you're going to crack limbs. Speed kills, in both directions imo. Not that I've ever shot a lighter than reccomended shaft or anything. ;~)

My bet is it's the quest for a high ibo speed rating that's caused the issues with bowtech. My fav thing about mine is the little american flag sticker with "in God we trust" printed across the bottom, well that and it shoots hard.

I live only a few miles from the High Country plant and some of those guys are bragging about 340+ fps out of their new stuff and they say they can be dry fired. How long before those limbs start exploding? And what kind of warranty should they offer? I think maybe I'll wait a little while before rushing out to buy one.

Some guys will do anything for more FPS . Speed sells bows , a well placed shot kills deer . It's a non-factor for me .