The Great Broadhead debate.

Nap thunderheads have been in my quiver for as long as I can remember. I finally bought some Muzzy's last year and I must say I like them too. Never had a reason to try the expandables.
Shot muzzy's for years. Killed lots of deer with them deader than 5 o'clock. However, as bows got faster and I started shooting at longer ranges (during practice) I got tired of the compulsive/obsessive nature it took to get them to fly well at ranges beyond 40 yards. Some might say you have no business shooting that far, believe me I can/have/will if the situation dictates it.

I've used rage for 2 years. very pleased, no failures and 11 deer accounted for. They aren't perfect. There are things you have to look out for on some fixed blades, and some things look out for on expandables. Pick your posion, make good shots and either will do a great job.
Always used Thunderheads before last year. Tried Slick Tricks, which are simply incredibly well made, sharp, and spin perfectly.

Just tested G5 Strikers which I returned to Cabelas. I did not think they were well made, they did not spin good, and I don't care for their cast metal or whatever it is on the ferrule. And the cost was riduculous.

Just got in some Hellrazors for an elk hunt. They shoot great and spin well and are quite sharp, maybe not 100% as sharp as Slick Tricks though. I will likely use the Hellrazors on the elk hunt because I know I will get all the penetration possible out of a broadhead design like that.
Rage 2 bladed, 100 grain. Tip for Rage users. Take one of your o-rings to Lowe's. Go in their hardware dept and buy a pack of the same sized ones for your pack in case one breaks. Put a little vaseline on th o-rings to keep them from drying out.
Always used Thunderheads before last year. Tried Slick Tricks, which are simply incredibly well made, sharp, and spin perfectly.

Just tested G5 Strikers which I returned to Cabelas. I did not think they were well made, they did not spin good, and I don't care for their cast metal or whatever it is on the ferrule. And the cost was riduculous.

Just got in some Hellrazors for an elk hunt. They shoot great and spin well and are quite sharp, maybe not 100% as sharp as Slick Tricks though. I will likely use the Hellrazors on the elk hunt because I know I will get all the penetration possible out of a broadhead design like that.

I think the G5 Striker is one of the best quality made broadheads on the market. They spin true when the inserts are seated correctly in the arrows .
Rage 2 blades have performed flawlessly for me on 14-16 kills, I have yet to have a deer run further than 40-50 yards after being hit.
Been around here for awhile. This is my 1st post.

I use RAGE 2-blade. Reason: I want a clear blood trail and don't want to walk very far to find the deer.

Pro: Wide Cut - Wide Blood Trail

Con: One time was lining up a shot . . . only to see my broadhead half-deployed. Never again.

I solved the problem by using DENTAL FLOSS. I wrap the blades a couple of times and it solves the problem. In October last year the sun was down and I was runnin' out of light when I heard footsteps ! I shot a large deer through the heart at 41 yards from 32 ft up. No problem with dental floss affecting trajectory. The hearts was split in half. That dang SPIKE BUCK ran 20 yards uphill, stumbled 15 yards downhill before bleeding out. A blind man could have following the blood trail !!!

RAGE W/ Dental Floss (I carry it with me in the field).
Congratulations on making a good shot. :)
memphistinker said:
I use RAGE 2-blade. Reason: I want a clear blood trail and don't want to walk very far to find the deer.

I shot a large deer through the heart at 41 yards from 32 ft up. . . . . ran 20 yards uphill, stumbled 15 yards downhill before bleeding out. A blind man could have following the blood trail !!!
As others have pointed out, the RAGE is not the only head that leaves a huge hole, most don't require dental floss to be reliable, and I've yet to see ANY head that didn't leave a blood trail a blind man could follow on a heart-shot deer. Back in the early 80's I shot some deer with a diminutive head that had either a 7/8" or a 1" cutting diamater. Thinking it was called a PSE Brute "low-profile". Reason I was using was because of the extreme accuracy was getting from them, and knew of a guy who didn't seem to be having any problems killing elk with them.

Anyway, shot at least a couple deer in the heart, and both left a blood trail a blind man could follow, despite it being the smallest broadhead I'd ever used. Did have a gut-shot deer go a couple hundred yards hit with one, but recovered him nonetheless.

I do believe we're better off using larger broadheads, provided they are reliable ones for which we have confidence, and most importantly, we can shoot them accurately and know our individual limitations. For many, that seems to be the "Rage" head, for others, it's some other head. And for me, I'd have to add "simplicity", as in there not being something unique (like adding dental floss) I might forget to do to make them reliable.