there are tons of opinions out there about how many pellets should be in a 10" circle at 30yds and what a pattern should look like.
IMO it almost seems like a lot of people (including myself) keep getting caught up in the numbers game vs field tested. Dont get me wrong 290+ pellets at 30-40yds is awesome but what is that same pattern doing at 10-20 yds? I cant speak for others but what is the most common shot distance you take...if its 25yds and under how is a super tight pattern at that distance going to help you vs a nice balanced pattern at that distance? I posted in the scope thread about a buddy of mine that had the tightest pattern i had ever seen from a shot gun. It was crazy what that thing shot at 40yds! problem being he ended up missing 3 birds with me that year that were under 20yds from us because the pattern was so tight it was like aiming a rifle at it. He actually ended up selling the choke to get one that would be more even at 20-30 yds.
to be clear i am not knocking on anyone that chooses to shoot whatever combination they see fit for their confidence and hunting ways. I guess my question is do people realize that at some point the tightness of a pattern can get to be too tight? I went and shot my gun a bit more yesterday and when i got home was not SUPER excited about it...only had about 100 pellets in a 10" circle at 38yds...well then after i thought about it for a while i realized that in 10 years i have not shot at a bird that far and not had any issues killing them up to this point with my set up...why would i need to really alter what is already working.
I saw a similar debate on Oldgobbler and it just got me thinking is all.
IMO it almost seems like a lot of people (including myself) keep getting caught up in the numbers game vs field tested. Dont get me wrong 290+ pellets at 30-40yds is awesome but what is that same pattern doing at 10-20 yds? I cant speak for others but what is the most common shot distance you take...if its 25yds and under how is a super tight pattern at that distance going to help you vs a nice balanced pattern at that distance? I posted in the scope thread about a buddy of mine that had the tightest pattern i had ever seen from a shot gun. It was crazy what that thing shot at 40yds! problem being he ended up missing 3 birds with me that year that were under 20yds from us because the pattern was so tight it was like aiming a rifle at it. He actually ended up selling the choke to get one that would be more even at 20-30 yds.
to be clear i am not knocking on anyone that chooses to shoot whatever combination they see fit for their confidence and hunting ways. I guess my question is do people realize that at some point the tightness of a pattern can get to be too tight? I went and shot my gun a bit more yesterday and when i got home was not SUPER excited about it...only had about 100 pellets in a 10" circle at 38yds...well then after i thought about it for a while i realized that in 10 years i have not shot at a bird that far and not had any issues killing them up to this point with my set up...why would i need to really alter what is already working.
I saw a similar debate on Oldgobbler and it just got me thinking is all.