REN said:
I am not against anyone who uses what works for them and i know plenty of guys that still shoot shotguns you cant even put a choke in with 2 3/4 lead shells. Yup they still kill them and yes dead is dead but if it can 100% increase my odds and is affordable to me then i will look into it.
I agree, but a 100% increase in one's odds?
Let me ask it this way.
If you were hunting most any other "bird" with a shotgun, and the average range at which you expected to get a shot was 25 yards, average range at which most these "birds" were killed was 25 yards . . . . . .
Tell me, how could a heavier load and tighter choke increase my odds 100%?
Until about 3 years ago, I had been using a 12-ga side-by-side with 2 3/4" chambers for my turkey hunting. I had several reasons for using this particular gun, one of which was it didn't "rattle" and make noise with each step I took (like the popular pump guns). Another was at any split second, I had a choice of either of two chokes and two different loads (something no one has with a pump or automatic). And even with 28" barrels, it was still about the same overall length as a pump with a 24" barrel. Back-bored, custom choked full and extra-full, light as a feather, I was quite happy with it as a turkey gun.
And I never felt handicapped with this gun, even though it only had 2 3/4" chambers.
Only reason I went to an automatic specialty "turkey" gun was to go to a scope (which I didn't want to mount on a side-by-side). Now, with my Indian Creek choke and if using 3 1/2" mule-kicking shells, I can increase my effective killing range by about 7 yards over the SxS. At the same time, I'm more likely to miss a bird at 10 yards. IMO, the scope is the main advantage I've gained, and the overall advantage isn't much.