Sabin maybe has 2 more yrs then the gumps wander in the wilderness .
ALABAMA fans have been hearing that since 2015 ever since the loss early season to Ole Miss. Everyone remembers how that turned out.Sabin maybe has 2 more yrs then the gumps wander in the wilderness .
I'd say they lose 3 at least. It was a good run, they won't just be terrible , it will be a slow pace to less than mediocrity.After they go 7-5, maybe quit this year
It's a little old news, but looks like law enforcement is no longer looking the other way for the gang bangers, I mean " athletes" in Alabama.
He asked what is a felony? Damned good college education he's getting .Crying like a Bi**h. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. That's a serious crime and he can't even face the consequences like a man. He asked the cop what's a felony. It's time for him to grow up.
Mitchell was suspended from the team when it happened. I hope it stays that way. I haven't heard anything recently about him.
Thay can all play for the prison teamLooks like Alabama is gonna be short players this year.
I'll wait by the phone in case they need me.
Now, anyone believes that, I be gots some ocean front property in Arizona for sale"Self leads the athletics compliance office, and is "responsible for all areas of compliance with NCAA, SEC and UA rules and regulations."
Seems ALABAMA has been in compliance with the NCAA and SEC so he must be doing his job correctly. Shocking how that works.
No, NOT COMPARING. But when one starts calling out ALABAMA and suggesting the Athletic department is somehow involved in something unethical or involved in a coverup...I just call a spade a spade. Nothing to see here.