The legend of the Big 10

Congratulations! How does he rank among the highest scoring bucks harvested at Ames?
I don't know exactly but I'd say in the top 10. I know the biggest is 168 and I know of two 160's. Then I know of several in the 150 class but couldn't give exact scores. If there is a historical record of all deer, I don't know about it. I know the largest body weight of a dressed buck at Ames is 206 lbs. My buddy got him.
The saga of the big 10 ended yesterday morning at Ames Plantation at 7:22 am. This is his story. Two years earlier, an excited hunter, took a long running shot which hit the 8 point in the right front knee. The buck will be identified going forward this way. His knee is swollen, disfigured and he has a gimp walk.

Last year, the Big 10 was apparently a 9 point but I don't have any pictures of him then. This year he blew up and grew to a giant 10. He now got the attention of all the serious Ames hunters. With years of CWD impacting the deer herd, big deer were a rarity more than ever. The attention was on this buck. There was one big problem and likely the reason he managed to avoid the gauntlet of hunters. He stayed primarily in a safety zone. He only ventured out at night and that's when many of the hunters got his picture.

Getting him was going to be tricky. More than any other deer, he knew he was being hunted. You can see him looking at the many cameras following his whereabouts. The only thing that was going to get him out of the SZ in daylight was the lack of available does. This buck was the most hunted of any buck on Ames and maybe unkillable. But we had faith.

This brings me to yesterday morning. There was so much photographic evidence of this buck, I marked a map of where his picture had been taken and drew a circle and decided to position myself away from the camera and hunting pressure and on a path to his sanctuary. There were no rubs or scrapes to follow. Just trying to play chess with a wary mature buck. I'm no better or different than the other Ames hunter pursuing this buck. I got blessed yesterday and that's it.

My expectations were low but when I looked up to see him coming across an open field, my heart rate shot through the roof. Fortunately, I held it together long enough to make the 93 yard shot. I had to let him come to me for several yards because it was a frontal shot and he finally gave me a slight quarter to and I took it. It took me a while to settle my nerves and take in what had happened.. To God be all the glory.

This is my local lifetime best buck! Thanks to the other Ames hunters who shared their pictures and videos. While I know they wanted this buck too, they have been helpful and gracious. I have been in their position many times over the year
Congrats again. You have been around for most of my important deer hunting moments. From my first deer when I was 10, to my first buck, to my largest buck. I could hear in your voicemail how excited you were. Im glad I jumped up off couch to head up there and share your excitement with you. Well deserved and Im so happy for you. I know how much this deer means to you.
Congrats again. You have been around for most of my important deer hunting moments. From my first deer when I was 10, to my first buck, to my largest buck. I could hear in your voicemail how excited you were. Im glad I jumped up off couch to head up there and share your excitement with you. Well deserved and Im so happy for you. I know how much this deer means to you.
Thanks TJ. It's been a journey hasn't it? I'm glad you came to my rescue. I needed your help. I sure hope to share with the next generation of deer hunters in our families. My deer hunting career is winding down but I'm excited for the next chapter for your girls and my grandsons.
Great story about a fantastic buck.

What time was it when you got him, and do you think he was cruising for does?
Great story about a fantastic buck.

What time was it when you got him, and do you think he was cruising for does?
He was alone and was heading back to his sanctuary, very likely had been cruising for a doe all night. I had forgotten to mention in my post that I had rattled once at daylight. He could have been coming toward the sound from 45 minutes earlier. My shot was at 7:22 am. I'd pay most any sum to know what he was thinking when he walked out in that field!
Heck of a buck. I hunted Grand Junction this past weekend. Funky rack buck with a huge body. I debated taking him but I was after a deer I would mount and he didn't measure up there.
I want to give a shout out to the other hunters who contributed to helping me with this buck. One thing you realize in life is no man is an island. I want to protect people's privacy too. But thank you Tim, Doug, Kurt, Brett, TJ, Brad and Howard. These guys shared pictures, strategies, encouragement and help in the field and afterward. I'll be forever grateful.
The saga of the big 10 ended yesterday morning at Ames Plantation at 7:22 am. This is his story. Two years earlier, an excited hunter, took a long running shot which hit the 8 point in the right front knee. The buck will be identified going forward this way. His knee is swollen, disfigured and he has a gimp walk.

Last year, the Big 10 was apparently a 9 point but I don't have any pictures of him then. This year he blew up and grew to a giant 10. He now got the attention of all the serious Ames hunters. With years of CWD impacting the deer herd, big deer were a rarity more than ever. The attention was on this buck. There was one big problem and likely the reason he managed to avoid the gauntlet of hunters. He stayed primarily in a safety zone. He only ventured out at night and that's when many of the hunters got his picture.

Getting him was going to be tricky. More than any other deer, he knew he was being hunted. You can see him looking at the many cameras following his whereabouts. The only thing that was going to get him out of the SZ in daylight was the lack of available does. This buck was the most hunted of any buck on Ames and maybe unkillable. But we had faith.

This brings me to yesterday morning. There was so much photographic evidence of this buck, I marked a map of where his picture had been taken and drew a circle and decided to position myself away from the camera and hunting pressure and on a path to his sanctuary. There were no rubs or scrapes to follow. Just trying to play chess with a wary mature buck. I'm no better or different than the other Ames hunter pursuing this buck. I got blessed yesterday and that's it.

My expectations were low but when I looked up to see him coming across an open field, my heart rate shot through the roof. Fortunately, I held it together long enough to make the 93 yard shot. I had to let him come to me for several yards because it was a frontal shot and he finally gave me a slight quarter to and I took it. It took me a while to settle my nerves and take in what had happened.. To God be all the glory.

This is my local lifetime best buck! Thanks to the other Ames hunters who shared their pictures and videos. While I know they wanted this buck too, they have been helpful and gracious. I have been in their position many times over the years.
Awesome deer, congrats!!
Congrats David, he's a beautiful deer for sure. Glad you got him, don't know that he would have made 5 1/2.

There's still a few up and comers left…

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