The One Thing in Your Vest

I dont know.... dont have a vest and dont have much experience yet so I can't say. But the binocs is a good idea, I have a cheap compact pair that I will carry. And dont let me forget the toilet paper... :D

Pruners sound like they might be a good idea, what do you use em for mainly? I have a pair lying around somewhere.
Pruners are important. There will be times where you will need to set up in a spot where saplings/limbs etc will hinder your ability to see or swing your gun.

After setting up and before you make your first call, you will want to get rid of anything that might cause a problem. Rake all leaves, remove rocks, etc that might make your sit uncomfortable or make a noise if you move.

So, if you do some preventive maintenance ahead of time, it will save some frustration of a bird busting you later on.
Facemask + an extra one
Gloves + an extra pair you can find your way back to find your lost mask and gloves. case it gets dark before you find them.
Since you said "one" thing (other than the shells, calls, etc.),
I'd have to say cell phone.
It could be your lifeline should you have an emergency.
Also, carry your cell phone in something waterproof or highly water resistant. I typically carry mine inside a zip-lock bag, in one of my pockets. Be sure you turn it "off" or on "silent" while hunting. And speaking of zip-lock bags, I also put my wallet in one. It keeps my wallet dry and would be very easy to find should it slip out of my pocket.

As to any "one" thing, that's really a tough question, since there are several important things you should be taking with you, such as a good compass, extra water, small emergency kit, etc.

But right up there with my cell phone, would be a GPS (serving much the purpose of a compass), as well as a back-up cell phone and compass I keep in my emergency kit. (Never mind that my primary cell phone also doubles as a GPS, I still want my separate GPS unit.) My emergency kit is in one of those small crush-proof waterproof Pelican boxes. I could take a tumble, maybe break my regular cell phone, but that Pelican box should remain intact.

Depending on how you do it, that back-up cell phone can cost you somewhere around $10 to $20 more a month. I'm using a different carrier with my back-up, and in some areas, it works when the primary doesn't, so it's more than just a "back-up" to me. Am using an LG "Net10" pre-pay which, in one of my hunting areas, it provides 4 bars of "good coverage" while my Verizon simply says "No Service". You can pick up one of these "Net 10" phones at any Dollar General for only $25 and it comes with 300 minutes good for 60 days. Even though you must "add" days and minutes periodically, all the unused minutes carry over.
Beef jerky, potted meat, beanie weenies and crackers. Turkey hunting makes me hungry. Oh yeah and water to wash all that grub down.
What about a rope in case you get stuck in the mud crossing a slough.

Wes Parrish said:
Since you said "one" thing (other than the shells, calls, etc.),
I'd have to say cell phone.
It could be your lifeline should you have an emergency.
Also, carry your cell phone in something waterproof or highly water resistant. I typically carry mine inside a zip-lock bag, in one of my pockets. Be sure you turn it "off" or on "silent" while hunting. And speaking of zip-lock bags, I also put my wallet in one. It keeps my wallet dry and would be very easy to find should it slip out of my pocket.

As to any "one" thing, that's really a tough question, since there are several important things you should be taking with you, such as a good compass, extra water, small emergency kit, etc.

But right up there with my cell phone, would be a GPS (serving much the purpose of a compass), as well as a back-up cell phone and compass I keep in my emergency kit. (Never mind that my primary cell phone also doubles as a GPS, I still want my separate GPS unit.) My emergency kit is in one of those small crush-proof waterproof Pelican boxes. I could take a tumble, maybe break my regular cell phone, but that Pelican box should remain intact.

Depending on how you do it, that back-up cell phone can cost you somewhere around $10 to $20 more a month. I'm using a different carrier with my back-up, and in some areas, it works when the primary doesn't, so it's more than just a "back-up" to me. Am using an LG "Net10" pre-pay which, in one of my hunting areas, it provides 4 bars of "good coverage" while my Verizon simply says "No Service". You can pick up one of these "Net 10" phones at any Dollar General for only $25 and it comes with 300 minutes good for 60 days. Even though you must "add" days and minutes periodically, all the unused minutes carry over.

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