I killed an eight point once while on the ground after a doe just bust past me and he seen me but he was after thst doe . 10 yd shot .
Of course forecasts are sometimes not right either.
I trust an east wind forecast less than I trust a fart after eating spicy chicken wings and drinking beer all nightI was sitting this morning on the west side of a scrape trail. Pulled out some milkweed and it floated directly to the trail. Was forecast to be east wind. I didn't get a deer but I sure got snorted at lol
If a buck is actually chasing I don't think it matters what wind is blowing. If he is out cruising, scent checking for doe , you better have the wind in your favor. So not knowing which is going to happen your odds go way up if you always account for the wind. Just my opinion
No the great thing about hunting and this site is how many ways there are to kill deer.I don't hunt the wind. I call way too much and that buck is just gone circle me anyways. Call me stupid if you want idc.
I have been super paranoid about scent control ever since.. I will push the envelope during the rut though and will hunt interior stands for the first time around 11/8 if the winds are favorable.
I've just come to the conclusion that I'm going to spook deer and get busted when they whiff me. Unless you're sitting in an enclosed blind 300yds away from the deer then you're in danger of being winded. I hunt aggressively in the thick with the deer so getting winded is just part of the hunt. But I see lots of deer and kill my fair share so it's an acceptable nuisance for me.
You are correct.No the great thing about hunting and this site is how many ways there are to kill deer.
I trust an east wind forecast less than I trust a fart after eating spicy chicken wings and drinking beer all night
While you make decent points, you still imo have to put as much in your favor as possible to consistently kill big deer. And yes we have a lot of stands set up for a lot of winds.So what are you going to do if the wind is "wrong"? Not hunt?
Assuming you got multiple stands to hunt, then play the wind. If not, then hunt whatever you got, when you got time.
Last time I checked, a buck dogging a doe could care less if a 18 wheeler is barreling down the interstate at 80mph or some dumb Tndeer hillbilly is sitting in a tree stand, he is going to get that doe.
Could things be better and you play the upper hand? Absolutely, but when you got a couple week window to take advantage of their weaknesses go for it.
Something else to ponder. I've recently discovered one of my best stands for a north wind now has a neighbor set up on our property line. If that neighbor hunts that stand on a north wind it will blow directly to me.