The Ultimate Fighter-Heavyweights...9-16-09

I didn't like the way Rampage acted at the end of this fight.. he shoulda helped his guy out. Not sit in the corner and complain like a little .......

I hope Rashad goes 8-0, and I hate Rashad.
phildidit said:
Rampage is a punk and a poor sport. I think dude has some real mental problems.

agreed that was a real stupid think for him to do last night, kudos to rashad for stepping up and looking after the fighter. Even though Rashad does have a big mouth (which so far he has proven he can back up).
What I'm hearing is Rampage is through. I heard he wasn't gonna fight Rashad.Gonna be in some Mr. T movie or something.Have ya'll heard any of this?
phildidit said:
Rampage is a punk and a poor sport. I think dude has some real mental problems.

Pros & Cons

Punk-Negative, that be Rashad (I like em both though)
Poor Sport-Abgsolutely :D (Aren't we all)
Mental Problems-Well ya!! :grin:
Seriously there hasnt been a fight that has been all skills, I mean ole boy that whipped Abe, what kinda competetion did he have he kept taking him down...Kimbo got crucifixed couldn't get outa that with a D9 dozer???
Yeah thats him.... SEE I don't pay attention to them! I didn't know he got beat. :D

This season is terrible.. Kimbo better get another chance.
Ya that is the guy with the huge cheeks and talks like a robot, he got beat to death, Wes Shivers is his name, he was the one that was gased really bad during his fight!