Tons of roost and ground gobbling, 3 toms and several jakes flew down to the hens, the hens were very vocal, I pulled out the crystal mistress and went to work. One of the toms broke off and headed our way, he steps out in the field we were set up on and my buddy flattened him at 10 yards.
After the shot the other toms cranked back up and were still with the hens in the same spot, ended up calling in the whole flock and my stupid gun misfired again. The dent in the primer wasn't near deep enough so it's time to get it looked at. If anyone knows of a good gunsmith near franklin let me know please.
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After the shot the other toms cranked back up and were still with the hens in the same spot, ended up calling in the whole flock and my stupid gun misfired again. The dent in the primer wasn't near deep enough so it's time to get it looked at. If anyone knows of a good gunsmith near franklin let me know please.

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