Things turkeys do

Boll Weevil

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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The night gobblin thread got me thinking about all the unexpected (until they did it) things a turkey will do. Switch roost trees at some point during the night, birds that hung up at a puddle in the road while others flew across a river to get to me (and subsequently die). Struttin' limbhoppers gobblin all the way in...just crazy stuff.

What else have you seen em do over the years that the first time you saw it, was bit unexpected?
My cousin shot one a couple years ago. Went to pick it up and the other turkey that was with the one he shot walked up to him and walked circles around him (about 2-3 feet away). He has video of him trying to pet it. That turkey followed him all the way back to our cabin (about 1/2 mile). He then proceeded to stand on hoods of cars, our pump house, etc….hung out for over an hour. I never would have believed it if I hadn't seen the pics/videos
Roosted some birds came back next morning they were over 1200 yards across the highway on the other ridge when day broke! Called those birds back over two creeks and the highway back up to their original roost and @rem270 killed one of them!
A few years ago I had two gobblers coming in. When they were about 100 yards away they flew up in trees to try and see the hen they were hearing. I shut up and about 20 minutes later they flew down and ran straight to me. I had to shoot in self-defense. I saw this one time before in WV about 20 years ago hunting with my dad. I remembered. Be quite, they'll give in.
Roosted some birds came back next morning they were over 1200 yards across the highway on the other ridge when day broke! Called those birds back over two creeks and the highway back up to their original roost and @rem270 killed one of them!
That was an awesome day. I still tell that story of how far they came and everything they crossed to get there. That stupid live hen was about 30 seconds away from ruining all that work you did too!
I've had them fly up in trees when coming in, fly across creeks and then get hung up over a puddle. Craziest one for me is when I watched two longbeards swim like ducks across a large creek to get to me. Wouldn't fly it. They looked like two big wood ducks swimming single file.

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