This is just RIDICULOUS!!

Thanks TNPredator for sharing info on hunt. My ex bro-n-law and I keep a dairy on all of our hunts every detail we could think of, I need to check with him to see if he still has that book. we had some of best hunts after a rain.
Good deal TNPredator. Just got n my order from midway 500 55gr game kings going to start working loads for my new 22-250 axis and hope to get back to calling.
Hunter 257W said:
I love the Sierra 55 gr Game King bullet in any of the big 22's. That was always my main bullet especially in the 22-250. :)
Me too I have even got lucky a couple of times and put them in the same hole at 200 yards out of a 22-250.
I have used them in a .221fb to take a deer, it did a great job on it, since then I have been using 60gr nos. partition in 22-250. KPH I have not been that lucky yet but with this new gun hope I can get close.
Hunter 257W said:
TNPredator said:
Coyotes howling at night over here and I can't touch them..
Took me 4 days to find ONE ground hog to shot.
Anybody got something to shoot over your way?

I feel your pain on the groundhogs. They have always been my favorite animal to hunt but they've been gone for years now because of coyotes. People always say "Just hunt the coyotes" but it's not the same kind of hunting and I miss the pure rifle shooting skill involved with shooting groundhogs.

They aren't gone around here. I killed 7 ground hogs out of my yard in just a little over a week. I was getting one every day or two. They were wearing my garden out for a little while!
I used to hunt groundhogs all the time but, I've not killed one in at least 16-17 years. I just don't see any anymore. My Savage 110 .223 and I miss it. I used to load Sierra 55 gr. Gamekings and Spitzers. Hornady 50gr. and 55gr. Spire Points worked good too. I used to kill a few crows too. I just can't get into coyotes. I've tried calling in the early mornings but, everything I call in, comes in flying.

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