Here I sit basically 4 weeks into the TN season with two tags left to fill. I've heard exactly one bird gobble in the state of TN and he was amazingly happy to walk away tossing a few gobbles over his shoulder as he left.
I've hunted TN for essentially 30 years, started here when I was 18. I've never seen anything like this nor dreamed it possible.
I don't hunt a single farm or tract of land, rather the endless mountain ranges in Eastern TN. So it isn't just "my place". This misery spans thousands upon thousands of acres and makes zero sense.
I'm lucky to be able to cherry pick "perfect" days to hunt so the weather when I go is ideal. Still, it's complete silence every hunt.
I don't get it. There were plenty of birds at seasons end last year, enough sign to keep me in the game, and no one hunting anywhere near me. There's part of me that's terrified that what happened to our grouse has hit the turkeys. Part of me that thinks it's just a weird year. And a growing part of me that is about to say screw it and go fishing.
Thank god for KY where I killed my two birds relatively quickly or this would be really ugly and frustrating.
I can't be alone in this, but dang it's brutal getting up at 3:00am driving 1.5 hours, hiking up a mountain side for another 20 minutes only to be greeted by silence day after day.