This weather...

White oaks in my area aren't doing anything yet. That could be a blessing with a couple of freezes coming next week. I hope that will delay the white oaks. We need a white oak acorn crop badly this fall.
I couldn't agree more. In our area, a second acorn failure in a row would be devastating.
I think I posted some stuff about my observations the Fall. I had a theory about the rut that year...or lack thereof...and thought that since it was such an unusual Fall with such a thick canopy in the mature hardwoods we spent most our time, that there wasn't enough light getting to the forest floor to trigger some does or bucks as in a normal year.

Who knows. Just not enough data I guess. for thought.
I think I posted some stuff about my observations the Fall. I had a theory about the rut that year...or lack thereof...and thought that since it was such an unusual Fall with such a thick canopy in the mature hardwoods we spent most our time, that there wasn't enough light getting to the forest floor to trigger some does or bucks as in a normal year.

Who knows. Just not enough data I guess. for thought.
After this last year, I now have a pretty good idea what happened. The deer in 2007 and 2022 were in such poor shape (locally) that does were physically unable to reach estrus until later in the year. In 2007, peak rutting activity was the first week in December (normally mid-November). In 2022 peak breeding was about 10 days late. Those are the only two years out of the last 35 that we've seen noticeable late breeding, and the only two years where we experienced severe drought, extreme heat and a total acorn failure all combined.
We are getting our big freeze this weekend. I think it will actually be good. Basically get a huge reset. The oaks around me haven't started.
Was cool here this morning but no frost. Tomorrow morning looks cool again, then weekend. Doesn't look horrible really. I'm feeling optimistic, maybe foolishly but optimistic still.
So far, temps haven't been brutal. And if we're going to get a killing freeze, rather it be now before the oaks have bloomed.
28 at my house this morning. Forecast shows similar lows tomorrow morning and this weekend.
Tuesday and Wednesday I had a slight frost but I don't think it did much. But this coming Saturday and Sunday it looks like cold mid 20s. We have some oaks in bloom I believe. We had no acorns last fall, even the red oaks were empty and that's surprising.

I still do not know if it will be like 07. 07 I think we had an even earlier green up than this season. And plus it was April 7th and 8th I believe while most everything was in bloom.
AccuWeather is currently forecasting a low of 21 this Monday morning for Dover.
That usually means high teens out in the county.

Add to this the 2 full COLD days before Monday being forecast for a high @ 40 and lows below freezing, i.e. very cold ground before Sunday night dipping into teens.
Not good.
Looks like the seed starts in the basement are going to get yuge before getting planted… all in all, don't mind the cold, I pray every morning it decimated the ticks and mosquitos, but I think they are becoming more resilient.

I'll be praying for everyone's nut & fruit & veggie farms. And for no monstrous droughts in late summer
Crazy cold again this morning. Thankfully, I don't see any more freezes this hard in the forecast for the rest of the spring. I see the potential for temps below freezing, but not dropping into the teens. In fact, right now there's a possible freeze in the forecast near April 4.

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