Thoughts on Score

I think he will gross over 140 now.
Contrary to most thinking he's a run-down 3 1/2,
I think it's more probable he's a run-down 4 1/2 (or older!).
Either way, very likely he'll go way over 150 a year from now.

Lastly, if he turns out to be only 3 1/2 now,
he could easily go over 160 gross a year from now.
Around 140 run down from the rut 4 1/2 years old.
If you could have seen him right before or right when the rut started his body would have looked totally different.
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This guy showed up a few days before Christmas on three different days on three different cameras. I've never seen him before. I hope to see him in person before the end of the season. What do you guys think he will score?
I have similar thoughts as a lot of you guys. I was thinking 3.5, 135 inches and really run down from the rut. There is a food source close by. He's probably hanging around due to the food. The only issue is I only have 40 acres there to hunt. If I get a chance at him before the end of the season I'm gonna take him. If not there's always next year. It would be nice for him to show back up as a 150 next season.