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Thoughts on silver scent elimanating clothes?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Polk County
I purchased a undergarmet set of the tek4 base layers from hunters specialties. The price was great, but I just wonder how much faith should I put into the advertisers claims on scent control?
timberjack86 said:
I purchased a undergarmet set of the tek4 base layers from hunters specialties. The price was great, but I just wonder how much faith should I put into the advertisers claims on scent control?

There isn't a product on the planet that you can buy,that will keep a deer from smelling you. Play the wind right and set your stands accordingly and hope the wind doesn't shift is really the only thing you can do to effectively keep a deer from smelling you. If wearing a certain brand of clothes gives you confidence,then by all means wear them.
timberjack86 said:
Stik If I remember correctly you dont even worry about scent control do you? Me myself I gotta have it! It gives me a whole lot more confidence setting on the stand all day!

i do very little scent control. scent "control" clothing is just another gimmick to separate a hunter from his money.
sometimes i use that 99% spray that smells like dirt and leaves. my buddy gets decked out in every new item that comes out for scent control, clothes, deodorant, laundry detergent,etc. he always gets busted alot more than me. he won't even drink coffee in the morning because he thinks they will smell his breath.

just get high and stay still. works fine for me most of the time.
stik said:
timberjack86 said:
Stik If I remember correctly you dont even worry about scent control do you? Me myself I gotta have it! It gives me a whole lot more confidence setting on the stand all day!

i do very little scent control. scent "control" clothing is just another gimmick to separate a hunter from his money.

so true. once you get over 30 foot, deer rarely smell you. go high and save your cash
stik said:
timberjack86 said:
Stik If I remember correctly you dont even worry about scent control do you? Me myself I gotta have it! It gives me a whole lot more confidence setting on the stand all day!

i do very little scent control. scent "control" clothing is just another gimmick to separate a hunter from his money.

I totally disagree.

Also, anyone who pays full price for hunting clothing (or any clothing, for that matter) is paying way more than they should.
Poser said:
The silver lined clothing works reasonably well and there is science to support the fact that his kills bacteria. Bacteria = scent, and the less scent you emit, the less impact you have. This stuff won't keep you from getting busted in your tree stand, but a good scent control regiment will greatly reduce the amount of scent impact you have on a area and disperse on your way in and out of your tree stand and sometimes can help when dealing with problematic thermals and complex winds. The is the primary reason that I practice scent control is not to keep from getting busted by a deer directly downwind in my stand, but to reduce my impact upon area and hunt in spots that are complex to hunt due to thermals and winds.

One of my most productive pre rut and rut stands sits at the base of a dramatic, 500 foot ridge where the contour flattens out and meets a large swamp. The deer travel the base of this ridge next to the water. Thermals are especially complex because the the air rising off of the water. The deer I encounter here almost always detect me to some extent, but only enough to make them cautious. In my opinion, this is the slight edge that extensive scent control can provide. Some will disagree, others decide that the effort involved is not worth the results. Scent control is not necessary for success, but it can provide an advantage, especially when dealing with pressured deer.
Thats what I wanted to know.If there was some science to back up the advertisers claims. I am a scent control nut.I shower before every hunt ,launder my clothes before every hunt and use scent eliminating sprays. I know I cannot truly be scent free but it builds my confidence when the winds shift as they often do.Especially when I hunt from the ground. I know for a fact I have killed deer that would have picked me right up if I had been sloppy about my scent control.
TimberJ- I too shower before every hunt and I too wash my clothes in unscented soap before every hunt. I don't usually use any of the spray stuff but I do watch the wind.

Having done that, I feel confident I have done all I can do and do not worry about any animal smelling me because there is nothing I can do about it. By doing what I can and then giving it no more thought, I find I enjoy the hunt much more.

I don't read or pay any attention to the ads for miracle products that can keep deer from smelling me. I know, if a deer getsw in the right downwind position, it will smell me. I can't prevent that so I don't worry about it.

I kill a lot of deer. I am sure some of them probably smelled me. But I smell so wonderfull, they just can't resist walking in anyway.

That gives me a good feeling and I save a ton of money on miracle products. I guess I must be a scent nut, too.
bowriter said:
TimberJ- I too shower before every hunt and I too wash my clothes in unscented soap before every hunt. I don't usually use any of the spray stuff but I do watch the wind.

Having done that, I feel confident I have done all I can do and do not worry about any animal smelling me because there is nothing I can do about it. By doing what I can and then giving it no more thought, I find I enjoy the hunt much more.

I don't read or pay any attention to the ads for miracle products that can keep deer from smelling me. I know, if a deer getsw in the right downwind position, it will smell me. I can't prevent that so I don't worry about it.

I kill a lot of deer. I am sure some of them probably smelled me. But I smell so wonderfull, they just can't resist walking in anyway.

That gives me a good feeling and I save a ton of money on miracle products. I guess I must be a scent nut, too.
I agree with you bw. I never did try much of the scent elimanating miracle clothes because mainly there just too expensive. Besides I already spend a ton of money of scent eliminating products anyway.I found this undergarmet set for $40 at wing supply with free shipping plus it had the scent eliminating silver so thats just a bonus if it does work.
Never bought the scent proof clothing, it's too expensive. I just wash my clothes in scentless detergent, and take a shower with scentless soap. I also spray down with scent killer before going into the woods.

However, it seems I might be wasting my time with the scent killer spray. Might try doing without it and see how that goes. Can't be any worse than the results I had last season (which was 0 deer killed).
This seems to be a discussion on any hunting forum you go to, to use scent free or to not.

I pretty much think of it all this way. Play the wind, thats the most important thing you can do. But with that same breathe I live scent control, scent free cloths(always bought post season on sale) storing them in a scent free bag with cedar chips and pine cones. I shower with scent free soap, wash my clothes in scent free soap with fresh earth scent sheets, I don't drink anything but water before going out to the stand and keep a mint in my mouth almost constantly while sitting in my tree.

Now I know nothing can stop my human body from creating human scent, but what I am trying to do is make my signiture so low that the deer might know someone is out there but not be able to pick me out or the smell be faint enough that it seems to be an old scent to the deer. I do this cause I want to harvest big, old deer. When I just want meat I am not as concerned with it, but still try to stick to my rituals.
With the right scent strategy you can remain undetected. The problem is most people dont know what a good strategy is or the science behind activated carbon clothing (including proper care and use) The biggest thing is people get lazy after a couple hunts because scent control is a pain in the rear.

When deer wonder down wind of your stand you can keep from getting busted for many seasons in a row before one picks you off
Show me a test where any of the scent elimination stuff fools a scent tracking dog's nose and I'll believe the hype. Till then, I'll just try to stay downwind of 'em.

Killed lots of deer when I could barely stand my own smell after packing a climber and gear in, hacking off limbs on the way up the tree, hauling stuff up the tree, then sitting there sweating for the first 30 minutes.

It's really simple, if they aren't directly downwind, they can't smell you. If they are directly downwind, or if they pass through an area that was downwind (where skin flakes have blown), or if they cross where you have travelled, they will.
Im just saying,and yeah think I remember seeing the test,deer are better at using their nose than any dog.That being said,I do try to eliminate as well as possible,but,I have been busted when I feel like I have done all I can,clean as I could be.

I bet a "trained" deer would be hard to ride around in a cop car :)
Since we have no way to peer inside a deer's brain to see what it senses, or what it is thinking, and since someone will always shoot holes in whatever "proof" is offered to support or disprove the theory that it works, then I guess it boils down to faith in what you believe in. Faith breeds confidence, confidence breeds success.
A blood hound or any tracking dog has a better tracking nose than a deer. Not better at airborne smells. Doggie smell quikier than a deer where stepes, not where you use to was in da air.

That's the way it was esplined to me by a Mesican dog handler many years ago.

Silver stuff makes you sweat and itch. Good insulator in cold weather. No advantage in terms of stink.
Poser said:
Pursuit Hunter said:
Since we have no way to peer inside a deer's brain to see what it senses, or what it is thinking, and since someone will always shoot holes in whatever "proof" is offered to support or disprove the theory that it works, then I guess it boils down to faith in what you believe in. Faith breeds confidence, confidence breeds success.

You mean you don't have conversations with deer? :crazy:
I went hunting with an old Yaqui indian dude one time. Don something or other...

I was busy munching on some strange cactus chips he gave me to eat on the stand when this huge 32 point buck walks up and asks me why I looked like a bush sitting up in a tree. We talked for quite a while about that... and god, and the meaning of life, but we never got around to how I smelled. Shame really, cause the rest of that stuff seems pretty trivial in comparison.

Funny you should ask. Don't tell that story very often. People think I'm kinda strange when I do.