Thoughts on the 4/15 opener?

You are correct on those numbers, I had ran March 30 as the juvenile. That year it was actually March 23. Looks like we are well on the way to a 40k , 50 k kill season unless it slows. Looks like our turkey population was way, way stronger than a lot of people thought and that's really good news . I knew we would kill more and predicted it long ago in another thread. Turkeys are more vulnerable right now , we have just never had this many people in the woods at this time of year, this has always been my favorite as the hunting gets better and the people are gone the difference is all the people. Hopefully there are reproductive benefits from this as I believe We are going to need them. If the trend continues we are going to set a new state record. It may start getting hot and some give it up , Not many will be hunting Mid to late May for sure so it may be the normal 30k or so who knows, we will find out soon enough. I truly do hope it all works out. If I didn't have work this morning I had a lonely one dead to right but he got behind the only hump between me, him and the whole place at 30 yards blowing the woods down. He finally got wise and angled up the hill away from me and I had to get to work. I have got to retire! Lol
From a biological standpoint, how many gobblers killed means nothing for long term population trends IF they are killed after hens are bred (assuming jakes are protected to breed the following year).

This could be very well a record TN kill with the delayed season opener making it easier to kill birds combined with 2 good hatches in a row. There is zero reason that record can't be repeated year after year as long as folks pass up jakes and keep wearing out predators.

You guys know me... I'm the glass is half full guy who predicted the population decline 5 years before anyone else back in the late 2000s and 15 years before TWRA admitted it... that being said, this season structure in combination with so many hunters managing for wild turkeys (thru habitat improvements, predator control, etc) gives me hope for the future.

As ive said before, Just remember, if you arent killing predators and improving habitat... yet still killing turkeys, YOU are the problem.
I believe this season numbers will fall off the face of the cliff mainly because of the reduced limit and the fact that many wont be hunting very far into May as the die hards will have gotten their limit in the first week or 2.
That will be the interesting thing to see...

TN residents (and NR lucky enough to hunt) in areas with good population will tag out in a week with such easy hunting and move on to something else like gardening.

After the initial slaughter, birds are gonna be very spooky and call shy come late April.

But I think a LOT of folks are going to call it quits by mid May... BUT those folks willing to hunt late May are going to have some incredible hunts if they get on birds. I just worry there may be a huge influx of nonresidents coming to TN to take advantage of the late season close.

If I were a TN public land hunter... I'd be looking at hunting the 3rd week of May. Locals done hunting. Nonresidents out west or New England or north central US. You might even have Yanahali all to yourself.
3 of us out last two days in different places, heard 0 between us very strange . These things are so fickle sometimes! Leaving now for a juvenile hunt with my son. Hopefully they will be gobbling good for him and the other kids.
That will be the interesting thing to see...

TN residents (and NR lucky enough to hunt) in areas with good population will tag out in a week with such easy hunting and move on to something else like gardening.

After the initial slaughter, birds are gonna be very spooky and call shy come late April.

But I think a LOT of folks are going to call it quits by mid May... BUT those folks willing to hunt late May are going to have some incredible hunts if they get on birds. I just worry there may be a huge influx of nonresidents coming to TN to take advantage of the late season close.

If I were a TN public land hunter... I'd be looking at hunting the 3rd week of May. Locals done hunting. Nonresidents out west or New England or north central US. You might even have Yanahali all to yourself.
This is about the same feeling I have also. I honestly think it'll level out rather quickly after this week. We've had some amazing weather to be hunting in the opening week but once it gets hot and everything is green in the woods I'd say the woods will be empty. I'm actually trying to pace myself and actually hunt hard the last couple of weeks of season to see how it is.
Well I have to say I dont like the new date. Birds are silent for the most part. They are there--Ive seen plenty. But they hardly gobble at all and will not work to a call. I am not hard core enough that I want to spend 4-5 hours waiting on a gobbling bird that will play. That is not the style of hunting I like. Every other year I have been done by now.
That will be the interesting thing to see...

TN residents (and NR lucky enough to hunt) in areas with good population will tag out in a week with such easy hunting and move on to something else like gardening.

After the initial slaughter, birds are gonna be very spooky and call shy come late April.

But I think a LOT of folks are going to call it quits by mid May... BUT those folks willing to hunt late May are going to have some incredible hunts if they get on birds. I just worry there may be a huge influx of nonresidents coming to TN to take advantage of the late season close.

If I were a TN public land hunter... I'd be looking at hunting the 3rd week of May. Locals done hunting. Nonresidents out west or New England or north central US. You might even have Yanahali all to yourself.

If I were a betting man my I would put my money on NR coming to hunt public ground late May in TN in an 85 degree jungle to be in the high 7-10's..
I could care less when they open season I just want my tags back.. Sitting home this morning watching fishing on the couch when I could be waking up in the great outdoors sucks....

I guess I need to get a new fancy camera and freshen up on my camera man/influencer skills.
I could care less when they open season I just want my tags back.. Sitting home this morning watching fishing on the couch when I could be waking up in the great outdoors sucks....
You can—take someone else. Could always go by yourself just don't carry a weapon. Didn't anybody force you to pull the trigger as quickly as you did on 2.😁
Back up for round 2.

BIG difference between opening 4 days and past day and a half... birds have been gobbling great on the roost (one gobbled 50x this morn), but I just can't get them to come closer than 55 yards and commit. Had 4 different set ups on different farms that I was able to call them to about 55 to 70y yesterday, but no closer (other than jakes... they are still rushing in.). I think all the desperate toms are dead, and the ones left are locked tight in on the last few hens that need breeding.

I have not heard any afternoon gobbling this trip, but still getting courtesy gobbles up till noon.

I've been set up on my nemesis for the past hour, havent made a peep yet. He's 200y away with 3 jakes and 2 hens. No way to advance until the lollygagging flock decides which way they want to wander to. I hunted him 5x last year and could never kill him, despite him always roosting within 100y of the same tree every night. He gobbles only once or twice on the limb, then almost never gobbles on the ground. This is my 6th try for him this year, and he is doing the same thing as last year. He's the one I will punch my last tag on. Spurs are over 1 3/8 in, maybe 1 1/2. To make things even harder, my son whiffed on him and shot right over his head at 25y a few days ago after we belly crawled 75y to get tight to the small flock, so he and the rest of the flock are fairly call shy.
Back up for round 2.

BIG difference between opening 4 days and past day and a half... birds have been gobbling great on the roost (one gobbled 50x this morn), but I just can't get them to come closer than 55 yards and commit. Had 4 different set ups on different farms that I was able to call them to about 55 to 70y yesterday, but no closer (other than jakes... they are still rushing in.). I think all the desperate toms are dead, and the ones left are locked tight in on the last few hens that need breeding.

I have not heard any afternoon gobbling this trip, but still getting courtesy gobbles up till noon.

I've been set up on my nemesis for the past hour, havent made a peep yet. He's 200y away with 3 jakes and 2 hens. No way to advance until the lollygagging flock decides which way they want to wander to. I hunted him 5x last year and could never kill him, despite him always roosting within 100y of the same tree every night. He gobbles only once or twice on the limb, then almost never gobbles on the ground. This is my 6th try for him this year, and he is doing the same thing as last year. He's the one I will punch my last tag on. Spurs are over 1 3/8 in, maybe 1 1/2. To make things even harder, my son whiffed on him and shot right over his head at 25y a few days ago after we belly crawled 75y to get tight to the small flock, so he and the rest of the flock are fairly call shy.
Those are the kind of birds that keep you coming back for more. Good luck.
You can—take someone else. Could always go by yourself just don't carry a weapon. Didn't anybody force you to pull the trigger as quickly as you did on 2.😁

I hunt to kill.. Maybe I'll hold my tag next year but I don't go out there just to pressure birds…. I took someone already but the ones who need my help don't really turkey hunt anyway so hard to get them out of bed…. Even my son too busy for his old man…. Might get back into bass fishing idk
Back up for round 2.

BIG difference between opening 4 days and past day and a half... birds have been gobbling great on the roost (one gobbled 50x this morn), but I just can't get them to come closer than 55 yards and commit.

I have not heard any afternoon gobbling this trip, but still getting courtesy gobbles up till noon.
Very similar for us this week. Yesterday was dead, between 4 of us probably only heard 4-5 birds early and they had no interest in us. Rising barometer & clearer weather had them more active this morning until 11:00, quite ever since. Hoping that cold night & high barometer will have them doing it in morning.
I've loved these new dates. Not hunting winter flocks has been nice Birds have worked great Gobbling has been like always some mornings they do and others they don't. It's amazes me some people don't realize that weather affects them. I hope they keep the season and limits just like they are.

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