cowhunter71":2w44mclt said:I, like you, could really care less how you or those like you turkey hunt. Still doesn't change the fact that I will never have respect for you or them, as turkey hunters that is, because of the methods used. Just how me and my circle of friends role, that's all.Bgoodman30":2w44mclt said:cowhunter71":2w44mclt said:See that's the difference between you and me as turkey hunters. With me it is never about how many I can kill or whether or not I "tag out". My own personal code and "how" I kill them is what matters most.To each their own though. This weather sucks. Spending way too much time on this dam puter today defending real turkey hunters
Exactly to each their own, but to say you have "no respect" for someone who doesn't hunt just like you... Come on man..
I like calling them in, I like bushwacking, I like fanning, I like decoys, and I have several fancy custom calls. I like an incoming hot Tom, I like when my Jake decoy gets thrashed, I like the excitement of fanning, I like to run and gun, I like to sit all day. I love turkey hunting! Who gives chit how someone else hunts !And I have killed them with all of the above..
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It blows me away how some people group tactics into rights and wrongs and ultimately lose respect for another hunter who harvests a legal animal. Theses comments are far to prevalent within the hunting industry and those who choose to be divisive are COMPLETELY missing the big picture. If you take an animal of any size, ethically and lawfully, I will congratulate you no matter what your method and would NEVER show you disrespect, period.