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Thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
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Have a couple hundred acres that I hunt with 2 other fellas. One might go twice per year, the other is an older gentleman who hunts with a bit more frequency as we get into MZ and gun. We all sort of have "our areas" we hunt with a little overlap on top of the mountain. This offseason I put a considerable amount of work into one area on the side of a ridge, plots and other improvements. This fall those improvements have paid off in spades in terms of deer activity. I have a stand setup in the middle of this area. Also in the offseason, I went with the older gentleman to hang his stand. I put it up for him, made trail improvements to facilitate travel (full day of chainsaw work and dragging downed trees/brush), put out mineral licks, etc. I never touch this side of the property. In my mind it's "his". Even when I've wanted to, I stayed out of there. Now that he has become aware of the activity on "my side" he is posting up there. Just messaged me this morning asking which days I'm going to hunt because he plans to be there. I'm VERY selective on the days I'm in there. I know it's a honey hole and I don't want to blow it out. I've hunted other spots on days I wanted to go there just so I don't screw it up. I've even sat home on days the wind wasn't right because I don't want to stink up the joint. To be honest, I'm pretty frustrated that he plans to hunt "my spot". My question is, would you be? Am I being ridiculous? Just feel like I've put all this work in for him at the 11th hour and reap the benefits.

If I'm a jerk, tell me I'm a jerk. Trying to get a lil perspective here.
IMO the mistake was made when everyone sectioned off their piece of the pie. You either hunt the whole property together or you don't.

That being said, I would definitely make my feelings known to the other hunter. I would try to avoid confrontation because it will probably not end well for anyone.
This sort of validates what I was thinking. Pretty rude. I think he believes I'm just gonna roll over and say fine. He is mistaken...

I tried to be subtle in my response. Have to handle with kid gloves. We go to the same church and not tryin to start a war over deer but at the same time, I don't wanna give it up. Too much work. They didn't start making scrapes in my area on accident.
If you dont own it, not much you can really say unless it is a leased property. If it is leased, you all have access to every inch of it unless specifically stated in the agreement. If you start bothering the landowner, he may just pull the land from your access. It never ceases to amaze me how hunters love to find another hunters honeyhole they have worked on all year and simply claim it as theirs without a drop of sweat being exerted or a penny spent on it. Best way to get him to quit hunting it is to tell him you hunted his area and saw the biggest deer of your life there. Just couldnt get a shot at him. "What days will you be here next week because I am going to wear that spot out until I get him"!

Good luck.
Every day. Would be my answer. Then when he don't see me there and asks I say something came up but I'll be there tomorrow. He'll get the hint.
This... if he don't get the hint maybe yall need to reassess who hunts where and remind him that you have stayed out of "his" spot. Good luck sir.
Have a couple hundred acres that I hunt with 2 other fellas. One might go twice per year, the other is an older gentleman who hunts with a bit more frequency as we get into MZ and gun. We all sort of have "our areas" we hunt with a little overlap on top of the mountain. This offseason I put a considerable amount of work into one area on the side of a ridge, plots and other improvements. This fall those improvements have paid off in spades in terms of deer activity. I have a stand setup in the middle of this area. Also in the offseason, I went with the older gentleman to hang his stand. I put it up for him, made trail improvements to facilitate travel (full day of chainsaw work and dragging downed trees/brush), put out mineral licks, etc. I never touch this side of the property. In my mind it's "his". Even when I've wanted to, I stayed out of there. Now that he has become aware of the activity on "my side" he is posting up there. Just messaged me this morning asking which days I'm going to hunt because he plans to be there. I'm VERY selective on the days I'm in there. I know it's a honey hole and I don't want to blow it out. I've hunted other spots on days I wanted to go there just so I don't screw it up. I've even sat home on days the wind wasn't right because I don't want to stink up the joint. To be honest, I'm pretty frustrated that he plans to hunt "my spot". My question is, would you be? Am I being ridiculous? Just feel like I've put all this work in for him at the 11th hour and reap the benefits.

If I'm a jerk, tell me I'm a jerk. Trying to get a lil perspective here.
Tell him you're hunting it every day. Doesn't sound like you're being the jerk. Sounds like he is.
From the way you describe it I don't think expecting the three of you to stay in your designated areas is unreasonable. I'd either call him or talk face to face and explain that you haven't made improvements to your area so the other two can use it. He may be fine with that, and you still have a friend. If not, you just have to deal with it.

I have found that when some people are acting irresponsible they don't always know it until it is pointed out to them and then they change their ways. Others just tell you to go pizz up a rope.
Just my 2 cents, I bet he doesn't realize you feel there's unassigned "assigned" areas. From your posts on here, you're a good guy and I'm confident you could approach this with him in a very diplomatic way. I'd suggest a conversation and just see what he's thinking.
Just my 2 cents, I bet he doesn't realize you feel there's unassigned "assigned" areas. From your posts on here, you're a good guy and I'm confident you could approach this with him in a very diplomatic way. I'd suggest a conversation and just see what he's thinking.
Probably the right path. Just tricky. Too I can't help but feel like a jerk even if I am in the right. He is an older man, not too sure how many seasons he has left. Might be better off to just lump and like it and go deeper on the property next year to where he can't reach.
I'd just be candid with him.

Tell him you have put a lot of work in, are wanting to be really careful with your area, and that if he wants to do some work on his areas for next year you will be happy to make some recommendations and possibly even help him out.
This is tough. The guys on my lease are incredibly nice and have offered to share stands/spots with me. I'm sure they aren't giving up their best areas and there are a couple spots I know to just stay out of. I don't need a deer bad enough to screw up a relationship with someone.

To me it's common sense, if someone points me in a direction, I am happy to give it a try. And if someone tells me where they are hunting, I know that it means I shouldn't be anywhere near that area, whether they are hunting that particular day or not.

We are blessed to have plenty of room to spread out and I see no need to encroach on a spot someone else has scouted and is hunting.
If he's old as you say then assume he's not an idiot. He knows exactly what he's doing. Furthermore, you've made a history of helping him. You're being old guy rolled.

The worst thing about having good parents and having served in the military is that it's been brow beat into me to be respectful and courteous, especially to the elderly. That's not a bad thing. What's bad is that folks too often mistake my generosity as a resource they can take advantage of, then it ends with me being an @$$hole feeling like a jerk. I suspect you're in that same boat.
If he's old as you say then assume he's not an idiot. He knows exactly what he's doing. Furthermore, you've made a history of helping him. You're being old guy rolled.

The worst thing about having good parents and having served in the military is that it's been brow beat into me to be respectful and courteous, especially to the elderly. That's not a bad thing. What's bad is that folks too often mistake my generosity as a resource they can take advantage of, then it ends with me being an @$$hole feeling like a jerk. I suspect you're in that same boat.
Basically what I'm feeling. The church piece weighs heavily here too. Guess I'll just pray on it the next couple days and see where the Spirit leads. Not really a decision I want to make in haste and potentially burn a bridge that crosses multiple rivers...
Basically what I'm feeling. The church piece weighs heavily here too. Guess I'll just pray on it the next couple days and see where the Spirit leads. Not really a decision I want to make in haste and potentially burn a bridge that crosses multiple rivers...

I understand that and you're showing wisdom in that approach. No good deed goes unpunished. You know you're being rolled. He knows he's doing it. I have no doubt you'll get the guidance you pray for.