Have a couple hundred acres that I hunt with 2 other fellas. One might go twice per year, the other is an older gentleman who hunts with a bit more frequency as we get into MZ and gun. We all sort of have "our areas" we hunt with a little overlap on top of the mountain. This offseason I put a considerable amount of work into one area on the side of a ridge, plots and other improvements. This fall those improvements have paid off in spades in terms of deer activity. I have a stand setup in the middle of this area. Also in the offseason, I went with the older gentleman to hang his stand. I put it up for him, made trail improvements to facilitate travel (full day of chainsaw work and dragging downed trees/brush), put out mineral licks, etc. I never touch this side of the property. In my mind it's "his". Even when I've wanted to, I stayed out of there. Now that he has become aware of the activity on "my side" he is posting up there. Just messaged me this morning asking which days I'm going to hunt because he plans to be there. I'm VERY selective on the days I'm in there. I know it's a honey hole and I don't want to blow it out. I've hunted other spots on days I wanted to go there just so I don't screw it up. I've even sat home on days the wind wasn't right because I don't want to stink up the joint. To be honest, I'm pretty frustrated that he plans to hunt "my spot". My question is, would you be? Am I being ridiculous? Just feel like I've put all this work in for him at the 11th hour and reap the benefits.
If I'm a jerk, tell me I'm a jerk. Trying to get a lil perspective here.