Showing up to a country club/resort every week, being waited on hand and foot constantly, calmly walking from hole to hole, demanding total silence during play...OK Sure...
Working behind the scenes all these years have jaded me.
One particular memory that I'll never forget.
One morning I had to go to the Club House for a security meeting. As I approached the front door, there stood a famous golfer a few feet in front of the entrance. Just standing there. I said good morning and all I got back was a snarky About dam Time!!!
I walked past him and opened the door and he brushed me out of the way and strolled right on in.
We had volunteers assigned to open the doors for the golfers and the guy had gone to take a dump.
This douche bag PRO GOLFER would not open the door and go in the Club House.
That's how spoiled these bitches are.
Do not get me started.