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Time in the stand

I'm fortunate enough to be able to hunt practically whenever I want. I hunt most all of November and if not tagged out. I'll hunt however long it takes in December to try to fill my last tag
Usually hunt a couple days of a cold front end of October if we get one.

I had 21 different sits just on one deer last year. Killed him on the 21st sit.

It also is very important to have a great wife especially when you hunt as much as I do.
I'm fortunate enough to be able to hunt practically whenever I want. I hunt most all of November and if not tagged out. I'll hunt however long it takes in December to try to fill my last tag
Usually hunt a couple days of a cold front end of October if we get one.

I had 21 different sits just on one deer last year. Killed him on the 21st sit.

It also is very important to have a great wife especially when you hunt as much as I do.
The wife part is the most important! Thankfully my wife came from a hunting family so she understands and even comes with me some.
I try to scout everyday starting in mid September, with a camera on my person, and continue through the third week of October. I only hunt during that timeframe if I have a buck that I can pattern off of cameras. If I happen to fall into some crazy good sign I'll hang and hunt it that same day and leave a camera on my exit to monitor the area. After the 3rd week of October I begin sitting funnels and will hunt those usually 4-5 days a week until I'm either tagged out or till the end of November. Regroup the first week of December and then hunt till January usually 2-3 days a week.
I usually don't hunt during the week days in the afternoons until it starts cooling down some or we get a cool snap like we've had this week. I hunted last Thursday and then yesterday. Will hunt either today or tomorrow in the afternoon. Weekends starting this weekend I'll be hunting morning and afternoons. It makes it nice to walk behind my house on afternoons after work or before church on Sunday mornings.

I've hunted a lot less so far this year then I did last year. Looking back at my spreadsheet I hunted 11 times in Sept last year vs 3 times this year. I'm the same for Oct so far this year as I was last year with going 3 times. But I will be at least every weekend until mid December at least.
I scout a lot more than I hunt, but can usually hunt anytime I want. Self employed/semi-retired so day of week doesn't matter. Unless I just really feel like hunting i don't hunt unless I've got a particular buck I'm trying to get on, and I only hunt him when I feel I have a realistic chance.
I try to sit 2-3 times per week throughout the season except prime rut I'll take days off.

Early season I'll sit evenings after work and a morning sit on weekends. When we get into colder weather, I prefer mornings cause it's cold and animals are moving.
My usual plan is to take a week off work for hunting. This year I want to camp out in Harding for that period, or at least until get one, buck, doe, no preference. After that, I hunt every weekend, and sometimes if we get a 4-day weekend for a holiday I hunt 3-4 days. I get one deer for me, and this season, two guys want a deer so targeting 3 deer. The one for me, size doesn't matter, spots are my line, since I process my own. For friends, I try and get a mature deer, to make it worth the processing fee.
I usually take PTO for the MZ season. It depends on the weather for the number of days. If it is below seasonal average temps I will take off as many days as possible.

I am ten minutes from our family farm, so i can sneak in a few morning and evening hunts whenever i want to.

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