Time to replace the 2117s

Takes me along time to leave the old ways and old habits, but carbon is the way to go. There is so much out there to choose from that you can find what you are needing without breaking the bank. The only thing to watch out for is someone trying to push the high dollar stuff on you. I have seen some of the cheaper arrows that shoot just as well as the ones that cost 2x as much. 2 weeks ago I seen one that hit a block wall at 30 yds thru a 60lbs bow, with the low end stuff, and all that happened was the nock flew out. And keep on shooting that recurve man, I shoot em both but nothing is closer to my heart than my recurves.
I've posted questions on sevral forums about what one manufacturer does that makes teir arrows better than the rest & no one really has an answer, I thought maybe a few companies mite have a thicker side wall or a better grade of materials that gave them an edge over the competion, Guess its just time to start buy'n & burn'm arrows & find out for myself.

& correct you are about the recurves, shot mine some Saturday, long enuff to loose an arrow, man am I outta practice.
Fox Fire,
If you are shooting a recurve I would definately stick with the heavier shafts. Either aluminum or Heavy Carbon. Especially if you are shooting an older recurve. The older recurves will have problems over time shooting lightweight shaft due to the non-reinforced tips. They were designed to shoot aluminum or wood and the tips don't take the beating shooting the heavier stuff. Lightweight shafts causes stress on the tips. Modern recurves usually don't have a problem with the lighter fare.
Teh arrows will be for my wheel bow, I have some wally world close outs I bought sevral years ago to play with but other than a label showing them being rated for 60-70 pounds draw weight I dont know carbon arrows, but from what I've dug up the difference between brands is mostly in quality & not so much the design, actualy seem to be the same sales idea (lighter VS heavy) as aluminum except ther made of a better material.

Thanks for the input.