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Tips for Hunting on the Ground


Aug 16, 2021
Hey everyone. I used to be able to hunt on private land from a treestand and I was very familiar with that method. This year, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have to hunt public. Furthermore, I procrastinated in the off season and didn't procure a saddle or climber. So my backside is sitting on the ground.

Any tips for better success? I'm talking about the actual setup. I know play the wind, find good sign, go deep, yadda yadda yadda.

My question has to do more with when I find my spot, how should I set myself up? Stand or sit? Back against a tree or be behind the tree completely? Risk the sound to move some dead fall for cover? Etc...

Thanks in advance for any advice. Good luck out there to all!
I've carried a ground blind in before. Can be a bit of a chore getting it and a deer back out unless fairly flat area. I've also used the top half of an old climber at the tree base with and without a ghillie suit on. Sitting still, big tree at my back, looking into a field or down into a gully and the normal nose in the wind etc
I did this for 2 years before I got my climber…
First piece of advice - get a climber lol. It's not too late, they're readily available (used on FB or this forum if money is a limiting factor). I've seen 10x as many deer from a tree than I did on the ground.

Anyway, to answer your question. Comfort is key. Being at their eye level, you can't fidget. Whether that means a cushion on the ground or a chair up against a tree (what I did), you have to be comfortable or they'll see you before you see them. I would always set up against a tree wider than myself (both for comfort and to conceal silhouette). I would try to have some cover in front of me as well, but couldn't be blocking my ability to shoot. It's tough off the ground. People are far more successful than I was, but it is possible.
There's a Summit Viper for sale here in the classifieds. I have one and is a great stand.

If hunting from the ground a turkey lounger is super comfortable and keeps you low to the ground. I have a millennium tree seat that's pretty comfortable too.
I prefer hunting from the ground...still hunting. That said, usually setup before sunrise sitting in front of a big comfortable tree. Watch for stobs that could poke you in the back, head, etc. Also, a tree that leans slightly away from direction you are watching will be more comfortable. I don't like sitting straight up. I've heard a tree seat works well, but have never used. I travel light, so packing stuff around is a no-go for me. A few hours after sun up, I'll still hunt around. If sitting on ground, something waterproof to sit on is nice...wet leaves/logs suck for sitting.
I often use a folding low slung "turkey chair" during M/L and Rifle season. Set up close to blowdowns/bushes/whatever cover is available. Where I hunt is pretty steep, so I set up to watch below me if the wind allows. Worst case I will watch up into a bowl where there are known contour trails if the wind forces me to.
These Hammock seats work pretty well too.
Back in the day, I had a nice camo blanket I'd lay under and it worked like a champ. This year, I've made some homemade blinds I can tie off to saplings. I bought some of this stuff:

Cut it in half so I have two blinds. Then I bought these clips:

I ran them around the edge after folding over the material since its thin.

Then I cut lengths of parachute cord and attached them around the clips:

I've got two blinds now, that I can tie up or lay over me. Around $25 in each, and they weigh less than a lb and pack up about the size of a quart jar.

Also, I picked up one of these millennium turkey seats. Its a bit awkward to carry, but it adjusts some for slope and is really comfortable.

I have hunted for years on the ground. I always put my back against a tree that is wider than me so if a deer walks behind me I can turn around without them seeing. I have ended up killing several deer that way. Also, I always clear the spot of leaves and sticks so I don't move and make a crunching noise. Just use your foot to clear the area. Sit on something so you don't become uncomfortable and start squirming around. I bought a millenium tree seat as mentioned above. Its very comfortable. Becoming uncomfortable and squirming will get you busted every time. If you get in early enough you can build a makeshift blind and carry in blind material and throw over it.
I've ordered a Waldrop pac seat for this season. They are a little pricey but I think it will pay for its self. It can also be used to pack meat out of the woods. Hoping it gets here soon. I'm almost 62 and getting a little leary of tree stands. Probably will get some sort of leafy suit or ghillie suit for bow hunting. I also have a Millinium tree seat that is very comfortable but you have to have the right size tree in the right place for it. The Waldrop can be leaned against a tree or can be free standing.
Learn to read the wind and thermals especially where there's topographic variation. Much less forgiving on the ground and distance matters. 3, 4, 500yd and a deer won't bat an eyelash if they smell you…on the ground from 50yd and they'll turn inside out getting outta there.

Swirl, eddy, sinking odor that sets right on the ground, warming air that lifts odor…super tricky. I've killed deer on the ground when my scent was supposedly going in the wrong direction. I've spooked deer on the ground when I supposedly had the wind in my favor.

20 or 30 feet up in the air and all of this becomes less of an issue.
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Sit still. If you think you might be moving around too much, you probably are lol. Sit even more still.

I've tried hunting on the ground with a bow and I struggle cause it's difficult to sit as still as needed.

One of the advantages of hunting from a tree stand is the ability to move around a little. With that said, when the leaves are gone, you have to sit as still in a tree stand as you do on the ground.
I've ordered a Waldrop pac seat for this season. They are a little pricey but I think it will pay for its self. It can also be used to pack meat out of the woods. Hoping it gets here soon. I'm almost 62 and getting a little leary of tree stands. Probably will get some sort of leafy suit or ghillie suit for bow hunting. I also have a Millinium tree seat that is very comfortable but you have to have the right size tree in the right place for it. The Waldrop can be leaned against a tree or can be free standing.
I have the millennium tree seat also. I love it but never use it because of the bulk. I have built a blind in the past and cable locked it on the tree. I'm 62 and just don't have the health to move and clear out my treestands anymore. If I hunt this year, it will be from the ground most likely. I used to hunt that way. It will be good to get back at it from the ground.
Also, they make camo tree umbrellas. It's essentially a half of an umbrella in camo. They are very versatile. They pack small are very light, and can quickly and easily be setup on the ground in front of you as a blind. They are made to wrap around a tree while in a tree stand. Honestly, I've just popped them up overhead and hunkered down in a rain shower.

I found another one recently at an estate sale for $5. but think they retail around $20

And I although I wouldn't go full ghille, I would definitely make something to break up and blend my head and shoulders shoulders. I'd also need to see 360, it would be a must for me.

During gun season on public, I'm definitely gonna have some blaze orange visible and close by.
Small popup blind... light, can set up in 5 min.

Keep windows zipped up closed except for a half to 1in slit to see out of. Really contains your scent. Unzip quietly before the shot.

I've had deer come 5y downwind of me in a blind with the windows closed and not smell me.
Don't over hunt you selected spot, we leave alot of scent hunting on the ground. I'll hunt my selected area 1-2 times then move on. Maybe come back and hunt again later on. Keeps them guessing and I've killed several respectable bucks this way.
Hey everyone. I used to be able to hunt on private land from a treestand and I was very familiar with that method. This year, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have to hunt public. Furthermore, I procrastinated in the off season and didn't procure a saddle or climber. So my backside is sitting on the ground.

Any tips for better success? I'm talking about the actual setup. I know play the wind, find good sign, go deep, yadda yadda yadda.

My question has to do more with when I find my spot, how should I set myself up? Stand or sit? Back against a tree or be behind the tree completely? Risk the sound to move some dead fall for cover? Etc...

Thanks in advance for any advice. Good luck out there to all!
I'm totally sold on a Winner Stealth pop up blind at Academy Sports. They definitely help with keeping scent minimal but you still need to play the scent. I've had deer and turkeys walk right up to it. Easy, rain resistant, and comfortable hunting. Good luck.

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