Well-Known Member
Tell me about your 1895 Winchester. Is it a carbine?
Tell me about your 1895 Winchester. Is it a carbine?
From what I remember, original non stocked populations were around Tellico and along the Mississippi River. Stocked reintroductions were at military bases like Ft. Campbell and AEDC. Chuck Swan and Cheatham had reintroduced deer in the 60's plus along some of the Tennessee River counties.Where were the first huntable deer populations in West TN?
Actually I saw those on a welfare check in 2019. Those were just part of the old gentleman's collection. When he died his nephew sold the collection for $10K.Tell me about your 1895 Winchester. Is it a carbine?
Market hunting wiped out the white-tailed deer anywhere they could easily be hunted. The only remaining populations were in very difficult situations, such as very rugged mountainous country or the worst, most extensive swamps.I was told by son of the first commissioned GW for Tellico that his area had the original herd for our State, and maybe another place or two near there. Meaning that region held what was left after they were almost wiped out.