TN Non-Resident Turkey License Sales: Doubled for 2021 Season!

I foresee more draw type situations for public land coming everyone's way. I know GA shut down general season on a WMA I enjoy and went to a draw only for next season.
I bet most of Georgia hunters haven't noticed the change yet until they pick up a new hunting guide. I guess I won't see the New York and ohio license plates on that wma next year 😀.
Owning land gives one control over one piece of the puzzle: access and other hunters (excluding trespassers). It does not guarantee the game will be there next year, which I have experienced firsthand. Have the land, have the habitat, just do not have the turkeys to hunt/kill.
I agree 100%. I own land and had turkeys when I bought it. I only took a small portion of the Adult male population. I never shot hens. Things change around you and poof, they are gone.

I still see turkeys passing through, but none are using the land around me or mine, so I have to be there at the right time or I don't see them.