I'll try to throw one in the mix. 

Master Chief said:How about we do five categories with an IR and color version of both.
1.) "Monster Buck"-Not necessarily the biggest buck, could just be an awesome rack or a buck that is just plain BA
2.) "Pure Awesomeness"-Could be anything that is unordinarily cool like a hawk attacking a mouse
3.) "Dime a Dozen"-most deer in one pic
4.) "Picture Perfect"-Prettiest pictue (a fawn, deer by a waterfall, whatever)
5.) "wait....Wuhhht??"-craziest/funniest pic (i.e. two bucks doing the hibbittydibbitty or your wife sneaking around with another guy in the woods.. kidding about the second one lol keep it PG
I also like the pre-in season-post idea.
Deerbuster1996 said:When is the start date