To all the bucks I’ve loved before………

Here's my dream deer saw him twice only got this one pic, I killed his running buddy a mid 150 s 9point and he was far bigger .
Whew what a thread and some amazing bucks posted!

Only one really haunts me. Growing up in rural southern Ohio I've had more than a lion's share of opportunities at some superb bucks. But one above all others bothers me, and for many layers of reasons.

Long story short while mushroom hunting my brother found a single shed that measured 87". Understandably he was obsessed and spent all summer learning as much as he could about the buck. He started hunting him on archery opener but never saw the buck so he invited me Thanksgiving week up for a second set of eyes & fresh opinion. My first sit was an evening hunt and sure enough the buck comes straight to my rattling horns. I made what I thought was a great shot and there was lots of blood and a crash site but no dead deer. Next day we bump him up while tracking. The buck stands up, groans, then wanders off straight away from us. I broke off in a dead sprint after him but never did see the buck again. Never in my life have I seen a deer bleed so much without dying.

It was the only time I've ever had a legit 200"+ buck in front of me while hunting, and I screwed it up. Not only did I feel like donkey punch for wounding the animal, but I felt even worse knowing how invested my brother was in hunting him. He's the one who discovered, scouted, and studied the deer. I only hunted him by invite for a couple of hours. I still feel horrible. Best and worst hunting experience of my life all wrapped up in one.
Here's a couple notable mentions that I never was able to get on.

Giant clean 8pt that I believe would have pushed upwards of 160". Very old buck. I'd had him on cam for several years & passed him up while hunting because I was after a bigger buck. Then that year he exploded and I did see him once from stand but at 50yds I didn't have a good shot. That was the last year I saw him.

This guy would have been a gross booner last year but by the time I got on him he'd had his right beam broken off. I passed him twice hoping I'd get him this year. He did make a couple appearances this year but only at night.

Whew what a thread and some amazing bucks posted!

Only one really haunts me. Growing up in rural southern Ohio I've had more than a lion's share of opportunities at some superb bucks. But one above all others bothers me, and for many layers of reasons.

Long story short while mushroom hunting my brother found a single shed that measured 87". Understandably he was obsessed and spent all summer learning as much as he could about the buck. He started hunting him on archery opener but never saw the buck so he invited me Thanksgiving week up for a second set of eyes & fresh opinion. My first sit was an evening hunt and sure enough the buck comes straight to my rattling horns. I made what I thought was a great shot and there was lots of blood and a crash site but no dead deer. Next day we bump him up while tracking. The buck stands up, groans, then wanders off straight away from us. I broke off in a dead sprint after him but never did see the buck again. Never in my life have I seen a deer bleed so much without dying.

It was the only time I've ever had a legit 200"+ buck in front of me while hunting, and I screwed it up. Not only did I feel like donkey punch for wounding the animal, but I felt even worse knowing how invested my brother was in hunting him. He's the one who discovered, scouted, and studied the deer. I only hunted him by invite for a couple of hours. I still feel horrible. Best and worst hunting experience of my life all wrapped up in one.
When I was 15 yrs old(34 now) same property as I spoke about earlier, I was still hunting with my dads 12ga with a slug and right before dark about 50-60 yards away down in the valley below me I saw a huge rack buck standing out in the opening and could just make out his silhouette. I posted up as quickly as I could and took the shot. I am pretty sure I gut shot him or just barely grazed the brisket. My Dad, brother, and I about an hour or 2 after dark found hair and a few drops of blood at impact spot and we followed the blood trail down off into a ditch and then back up a hardwood ridge. At the crest of the ridge we came upon a bloody bed with matted leaves and no deer, where we assumed he was just just laying and we bumped him and maybe would've died had we waited till the next morning. The next day we tracked him through a cedar thicket on the other side of that hardwood ridge and into a cattle field where the blood trail ended. It was little tiny pin dots every couple feet and was impossible to see once we hit the field. I am sure he wasn't as big as I remember cuz I was 15 at the time, but he possibly could've been a relative to the big wide one I posted earlier in this thread cuz from what I remember he had a huge frame and was wide and reminded me of an elk rack. That was the 2 I will never forget that got away!
Saw a classic duet between Julio Iglesias and Willie Nelson ( truely beautiful collaboration from 1983). Inspired me to do this thread. We all have had deer that mesmerized and inspired us for a few fleeting moments in time and moved out of our lives forever . So post up the one that got away that you will never forget, the one you loved and lost or maybe the one that is still out there …..
Here's a couple notable mentions that I never was able to get on.

Giant clean 8pt that I believe would have pushed upwards of 160". Very old buck. I'd had him on cam for several years & passed him up while hunting because I was after a bigger buck. Then that year he exploded and I did see him once from stand but at 50yds I didn't have a good shot. That was the last year I saw him.
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This guy would have been a gross booner last year but by the time I got on him he'd had his right beam broken off. I passed him twice hoping I'd get him this year. He did make a couple appearances this year but only at night.

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Dude that 8pt is what my future dreams are made of!!! if I ever find one that breaks 150" my wife will have to file a missing persons report on me 🤣🤣
Here's a couple notable mentions that I never was able to get on.

Giant clean 8pt that I believe would have pushed upwards of 160". Very old buck. I'd had him on cam for several years & passed him up while hunting because I was after a bigger buck. Then that year he exploded and I did see him once from stand but at 50yds I didn't have a good shot. That was the last year I saw him.
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This guy would have been a gross booner last year but by the time I got on him he'd had his right beam broken off. I passed him twice hoping I'd get him this year. He did make a couple appearances this year but only at night.

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Wow, what a deer! Is a coffee county deer?
I have better pictures on my laptop but here's a few.

Called him just crab claw obviously. I killed a great deer 3rd day if ml in 2019. And decided I wasn't going to kill another deer besides him. 2 years history believe he was 5.5 in these pictures. He was in an awful part of that farm to hunt and kill him. I've never hunted a deer that hard and not killed him especially one that i knew was on us and basically staying on us.I got careless towards the end of the year and ended up bumping him off of our place. Never saw him again, never another trail camera picture. He got killed in 2022 by a guy 1.5 to 2 miles away. He rack was hardly nothing compared to that never would have never scored great anyways. He taught me a lot and made me say a lot of cuss words along the way. Just always thought he was a cool deer. That picture above is the only picture I got of him in daylight that year it was November 15ish and I remembered saying to myself I didn't want to tag out to early I have a stand 60 yards away and had the wind to hunt him then and i no doubt would have been in that stand that evening. Dumb me. Love chasing big mature deer. Hope I never grow tired of it.
Neat buck
Wow, what a deer! Is a coffee county deer?

Those deer are on my Ohio place.

I know deer get big in areas of TN but this part of Coffee Co. isn't one of them. I love hunting here and still chase the oldest bucks I can find, but I don't expect them to be big in body or antler. Hunting three farms that collectively reach around 600acres, I see a couple bucks on average each season that I'm confident are 5yrs+. Once about every three years one of those bucks will have a rack I feel confident will bust 120". In my 10yrs here I've yet to see in person or on camera a buck that would threaten 130". It just is what it is.

I've hunted deer from TX up to WI down to here and all in between. Never have I seen a state with such diverse variations in buck antler quality according to area. There are pockets of TN like this where you can't hardly bust 120", and 30 miles away be in an area that's producing booners. Makes zero sense to me and I'd have never believed it possible had I not lived here to experience it.
Those deer are on my Ohio place.

I know deer get big in areas of TN but this part of Coffee Co. isn't one of them. I love hunting here and still chase the oldest bucks I can find, but I don't expect them to be big in body or antler. Hunting three farms that collectively reach around 600acres, I see a couple bucks on average each season that I'm confident are 5yrs+. Once about every three years one of those bucks will have a rack I feel confident will bust 120". In my 10yrs here I've yet to see in person or on camera a buck that would threaten 130". It just is what it is.

I've hunted deer from TX up to WI down to here and all in between. Never have I seen a state with such diverse variations in buck antler quality according to area. There are pockets of TN like this where you can't hardly bust 120", and 30 miles away be in an area that's producing booners. Makes zero sense to me and I'd have never believed it possible had I not lived here to experience it.
I worked at armold air force base when i was in college. I never saw a buck in coffee county north of 100"
Had alot of history with this mountain buck. My buddy had a clean miss the year before on him and so he went nocturnal. He was not at all afraid of cameras but he certainly was of daylight. I don't know that i ever had more pics of a deer than this guy. I guess you kind of get used to seeing them and miss them when they are gone. He made it through that season but i never saw him again.


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I worked at armold air force base when i was in college. I never saw a buck in coffee county north of 100"

They're few & far between, but every once in awhile. Northern Coffee around Bedford & Rutherford they get notably bigger. It's like there's an invisible line with big deer on one side and little deer on the other. Bizarre.
They're few & far between, but every once in awhile. Northern Coffee around Bedford & Rutherford they get notably bigger. It's like there's an invisible line with big deer on one side and little deer on the other. Bizarre.
There have been some good ones come out of Rutherford for sure

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