Just some tips from an old fellow.
1. Don't call to them before the season. If you need to use a locator call to get them started, use something you aren't going to use during the season.
2. This goes for during the season too. Give the chance for the turkey to wake up and sound off, not all turkeys sound off when the first cardinals start singing, some are like people, they need time to wake up before wanting to talk to someone. If you want to get them started, use a gobble box that you aren't going to use during the season.
3. Don't go harassing the turkeys by following them for hours, just find out where he wants to generally head when he leaves the roost.
4. All bets are off when the hens start nesting, birds will be in one area at dawn and can be a mile or two away by 8-9 central time, 10-11 for you eastern time zone folks.
5. A long time ago we went through it where there weren't a lot of birds, this isn't new. My tips for this, find a good bird and stay on him until you kill him. Don't hound him with a lot of calling, just enough to let him know you're interested. Remember, we are trying to make a turkey do something that is totally different from what happens in the woods, when a gobbler sounds off the hen is supposed to go to him, and he knows this.
6. Early in the season when you see these gobblers together, you can kill them by just deep clucking like a gobbler or gobbling to them. They are looking for a buddy to hang out with right now. I have killed one and called another up for a buddy that missed one yesterday, I haven't yelped yet.