Total newbie questions

Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Nashville TN
Hey, just discovered this site a few days ago and have been enjoying reading all the old posts. I'm a total newbie to both bowhunting and hunting in general, but I've got a couple sons who are 12 and 10 and are interested in learning, so we want to take up bowhunting.

My main question is whether there are any stores or such in the Middle Tennessee area where we can try out bows and see what feels good and right before making a purchase. Last week, I went to the ARchery Den in Franklin, and he doesn't have any way for you to try before you buy. I'm I an idiot thinking that there should be a place where you can do so? I'm tempted by the Mathews Mission Craze that he sells at the Archery Den, but by the time I get out of there with the bow and accessories and arrows, it will probably be $500 or so. Would sure like to test it out first, even if just shooting indoors a dozen times or so.

Any recommendations about bow shopping or any answers to my question above are much appreciated.
Welcome Nashvegas Dude.
You and your sons have chosen a hobby that can be VERY addictive (but mostly in good ways). Welcome to TnDeer.

You are not an idiot for wanting to shoot before you buy. Most good archery shops not only allow it, but encourage it. I am from East TN, so I can't tell you any shops, but as CV said, someone from your area will chime in soon.

If you buy, make sure to post pictures here and ask all any questions, as you already see, there is a mountain of info on TnDeer... as well as a rather large pile of pOOP too. :) Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference in the two mounds. :D
I've never been to Archery Den but I've heard good things about them. I'm very surprised that they wouldn't let you shoot a bow. Most archery shops allow you to test bows. Visit as many shops as you can and talk to the employees. They should be willing to answer all your questions.

If you want a Mathews, take the drive to Hunters Den in Russellville, Ky. You won't be disappointed.
No archery shops in Nashville. Franklin, Gallatin, Dickson, Clarksville, Columbia and Murfreesboro. Put your track shoes on and take a run out of town to try some new bows.
Hoss said:
No archery shops in Nashville. Franklin, Gallatin, Dickson, Clarksville, Columbia and Murfreesboro. Put your track shoes on and take a run out of town to try some new bows.

Agreed, Hoss!!!

Welcome to the site, and the wonderful world of archery! I live around the Nashville area (Mt. Juliet) and I would drive all the way to U Need It in Sparta if I where going to try and possibly buy a Mathews product�that's absolutely nuts that the AD wouldn't let you "test drive" one�another reason why people like me and others on here do all of our own work�a severe lack of reasonable and worthy bowshops. Even though I am a strict Mathews guy, I'm not opposed to trying other products from time to time and I strongly advise you to shoot other brands as well before making your purchase. There are several archery clubs around that you may want to look at visting, like Old Hickory Lake Bowmen Club in Hermitage>>> <<<. At places like that you can find help if you need it and instruction from archers that have been around for years. If I can help in any way, don't hesitate to send me a PM, or ask on here. Your going to have questions, and that is perfectly expected and perfectly okay! Once again....Welcome!!!!!
Try dickson sportsman store they carry pse,prime ,matthews ,bowtech and mission and have a 20 yard indoor range !in the past couple of years they have been carrying some nice archery gear and will set the bows for you to shoot.Its about 40 min west of nash! and they sell guns and hunting gear too !!!welcome to the addiction !I also tune bows and would be happy to help a brotha out just hit me up!J.T.
Thanks very much guys. I thought it seemed odd that the Archery Den didnt have any demo bows. Thanks for confirming. I'll definitely try these other places out. Look forward to being a part of the community here.
Welcome to the sport! Let Jeremy at the Archery Den help you. Yes he will put you in a bow he sells but he carries Mathews, Hoyt and Bowtech for the mainlines and Mission for the youth and entry level. He's got a great shop and can help you get started.
Look up Taylor's Archery in Tullahoma. They carry Bowtech, Mathews and Mission. They also have an indoor 20yard range where you can try anything in the shop out. They are teriffic people to deal with.
CLarksville has C&K outfitters (off of Hwy 79. They're a Matthews/Mission dealer and will let you shoot. They also have used bows for sale. A little farther north is Herndon Archery in Herndon KY. He's a Diamond and Elite dealer and a great guy to work with. Richard's in Clarksville also has a range, but not sure if they let you shoot before you buy (call and ask)
Yeah man,we kinda got the shaft on archery place's here in town. I used to go to Chance's archery on the corner of Thompson lane and Nollensville,but he went out of business awhile back. If you get someone nice at Bass Pro,and tell them you're serious about getting a bow,they will sometimes let you shoot at the little range they have there. Richard's will sometimes do the same. You can try archery den,or hermitage archery if you don't want to get to far out of town. Good luck,and welcome to the sport!
U Need It Archery is the best place that I have found so far to be able to test out all the new bows with no problem. They have a great selection of Matthews and Hoyt bows. They are located in Sparta, TN close to highway 111. They have an indoor as well as an outdoor range. You should go and check them out I don't think that you will be disappointed. Brad is the younger guy there and Harvey is the older one.
Welcome to the sport. You are correct...always a good idea to shoot a bow before you buy it. I find it very odd they didn't have a demo bow either...every shop gets one so that shouldn't be a problem. There are two local ones that carry different brands...both have indoor ranges in them to try any bow in the shop. That is just odd to me that a higher profile shop don't have a place to shoot one. As high as bows are today, a good shop should understand people want to shoot them first.