Tough Huntin.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
Opening day started off great, but after that it's been down hill. I haven't heard much gobbling at all and I've walked way more than the average man. I believe it's mainly due to the weather but could be from the lack of turkeys in the areas I've been hunting. I know that it isn't from the lack of effort. I guess some seasons work that way. For the past couple of seasons I just haven't heard the number of birds like I use to.
captain hook said:
Opening weekend was crazy here, I hunted in the valley and there seemed to be a lot of birds. Well over time what seemed like alot of birds was tons of jakes, with very few longbeards.

I have moved to the mountains now, and it is even more bleak. Little if any gobbling, loads of nuissance jakes, and more idiots then every before running 4wheelers all over the woods.

Other then the 3 days I spent in West TN this season has been a complete let down. West TN was almost a joke, with how easy the birds were to call in, and they would actually gobble some, not a ton, but enough to kill them.

With the amount of jakes being slaughtered this season, it may be tough for things to change much next year. Even though I killed 4 birds last year, and the year before, it has been on a steady and deliberate slide downward over the last 3 or 4 seasons. Turkey hunting in this part of the state is nothing like it was the first years I lived here.
No question that our West Tennessee birds are a lot dumber than your East Tn birds. Just out of curiosity, where in West Tennessee were these particular dumb birds located?
I have heard pleanty but cant do anything with them i had a LB on his way from about 130 yards i call two times an i made a hen hatch out of the blue an away they went thats the 3rd time that hen has taken that LB from me i hope if she gets close to me she dont have a bad feather day with 1 pokeing from her chest lol
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
captain hook said:
Opening weekend was crazy here, I hunted in the valley and there seemed to be a lot of birds. Well over time what seemed like alot of birds was tons of jakes, with very few longbeards.

I have moved to the mountains now, and it is even more bleak. Little if any gobbling, loads of nuissance jakes, and more idiots then every before running 4wheelers all over the woods.

Other then the 3 days I spent in West TN this season has been a complete let down. West TN was almost a joke, with how easy the birds were to call in, and they would actually gobble some, not a ton, but enough to kill them.

With the amount of jakes being slaughtered this season, it may be tough for things to change much next year. Even though I killed 4 birds last year, and the year before, it has been on a steady and deliberate slide downward over the last 3 or 4 seasons. Turkey hunting in this part of the state is nothing like it was the first years I lived here.
No question that our West Tennessee birds are a lot dumber than your East Tn birds. Just out of curiosity, where in West Tennessee were these particular dumb birds located?

Humphrey's County, it may have just been the birds or the timing, but they were the easiest turkeys I have ever hunted. That is saying something with the KY birds which have perished at my hands.
Not trying to be a nit-picker, but Humphreys is actually in middle Tennessee, being East of the Tennessee river, extreme west middle but middle nevertheless. Most of the ones that I have killed haven't acted too bright, or else they wouldn't get killed, would they? lol
make'em strut said:
I have heard pleanty but cant do anything with them i had a LB on his way from about 130 yards i call two times an i made a hen hatch out of the blue an away they went thats the 3rd time that hen has taken that LB from me i hope if she gets close to me she dont have a bad feather day with 1 pokeing from her chest lol
Keep messin' with them and she will get him killed! I had a hen bring 5 gobblers right into me last week.