Trail cameras ban

I could give a 💩 less if there's cameras in a spot. If I'm gonna hunt it and I'm in there first, then I've got dibs the way I see it.
If they beat me in there then I'll move to another spot. I would never touch another man's stuff . I generally just walk around behind them if I see them. I was hunting a spot on public several years ago that didn't have any signs of anyone being in the area.
Went in the next morning took the same path( GPS Trax) walked right up on a camera on a scrape line that I had been hunting. They must of came in the previous evening. Didn't matter to me. I was hunting several flats above the scrape line. About 20 minutes before daylight here they come. I flashed them off but they didn't care. They set down pretty much on the scape line /camera. I guess I got "there" deer about 9:30 that morning. Idiots
I could give a 💩 less if there's cameras in a spot. If I'm gonna hunt it and I'm in there first, then I've got dibs the way I see it.
If they beat me in there then I'll move to another spot. I would never touch another man's stuff . I generally just walk around behind them if I see them. I was hunting a spot on public several years ago that didn't have any signs of anyone being in the area.
Went in the next morning took the same path( GPS Trax) walked right up on a camera on a scrape line that I had been hunting. They must of came in the previous evening. Didn't matter to me. I was hunting several flats above the scrape line. About 20 minutes before daylight here they come. I flashed them off but they didn't care. They set down pretty much on the scape line /camera. I guess I got "there" deer about 9:30 that morning. Idiots
Now you see the point
Just saw where Kansas banned trail cameras on public land. Cellular and conventional cameras. Very interesting.
I'm fine with that on public land. Ran into some guys last year on public land the day before a draw hunt who told me I couldn't hunt that area because they had trail cameras there for 3 months. Lol
Doesn't bother me a bit and I like cameras. If I had it my way it would be a litter law that dictates anything left unattended will be considered litter, subject to the same fines as dumping trash. That would encompass cameras, stands, chairs, blinds, and anything else hunters carry into the woods.
So say I am hunting shoot a deer get down from my stand and gut the deer would you consider the guts more trash than my stand up in a tree that you would have to look up and see? Are you going to carry your gut pile out with you? No you want! How is a tree stand or camera fixed to a tree trash?
So say I am hunting shoot a deer get down from my stand and gut the deer would you consider the guts more trash than my stand up in a tree that you would have to look up and see? Are you going to carry your gut pile out with you? No you want! How is a tree stand or camera fixed to a tree trash?
Complete apples to oranges there bud, cause you bring your junk in with you and then leave it for months or mayde even years on end. But yes if you brought the guts in with you than you should take them out with you😂
For those desiring more "rules", like banning trail cams, be careful @ demanding more rules.

On some public lands now, you cannot leave a gut pile.

Are you going to carry your gut pile out with you?

Most of the problems many have mentioned actually were a problem with certain hunters' mindsets, and nothing to do with trail cams or deer stands. Those particular hunters would still lay claim to a spot being "theirs" regardless of trail cams or stands.

My preference is for the "powers that be" to pursue the bad actors, and give the rest of us reasonable freedoms to enjoy our public lands.
Complete apples to oranges there bud, cause you bring your junk in with you and then leave it for months or mayde even years on end. But yes if you brought the guts in with you than you should take them out with you😂
What is next, is doing #2 in a bag and bringing it out🤔
I am against anyone leaving crap on public.....especially trash, nite eyes, surveying tape, blinds, and ladder stands.

I don't have any cameras on public, but would probably insert some if had the time and wanted to see what was hiding there. I have wanted to leave some just for kicks when I knew that I would be back to same spot to retrieve the next day. It would not bother me much if any cameras were not permitted on public.
Complete apples to oranges there bud, cause you bring your junk in with you and then leave it for months or mayde even years on end. But yes if you brought the guts in with you than you should take them out with you😂
So your oranges are different shade of orange than mine, the guts would be just like a water bottle you drank the water than throw down the bottle, the gut pile would now be considered trash"discarded useless substances" just like the water bottle! If you kill a deer and say dress it somewhere else then take the carcass and throw it off the side of the road, see what Mr Green Jeans says about that, so it would be same as trash or litter. 🤔
For those desiring more "rules", like banning trail cams, be careful @ demanding more rules.

On some public lands now, you cannot leave a gut pile.

Most of the problems many have mentioned actually were a problem with certain hunters' mindsets, and nothing to do with trail cams or deer stands. Those particular hunters would still lay claim to a spot being "theirs" regardless of trail cams or stands.

My preference is for the "powers that be" to pursue the bad actors, and give the rest of us reasonable freedoms to enjoy our public lands.
One new Law is one less freedom! I agree why not just police yourselves and do what's right other than expecting some to fix your hurt feelings, with the influx of people moving here it's only going to get worse, more rules less land and if it's like here old farms selling out as the say like candy bars! We are fixing to feel the crush of population growth like never before with this reverse Oregon Trail we have going on!
I am against anyone leaving crap on public.....especially trash, nite eyes, surveying tape, blinds, and ladder stands.

I don't have any cameras on public, but would probably insert some if had the time and wanted to see what was hiding there. I have wanted to leave some just for kicks when I knew that I would be back to same spot to retrieve the next day. It would not bother me much if any cameras were not permitted on public.
I've put cameras on public land myself. May even do it this year. But I can see why it probably shouldn't be allowed. Especially during the season.
I continue to believe trail cam use by the general public (or those who want to) is actually less intrusive (does less harm) to other hunters hunting opportunities than those same general public googans just walking all over the place more often, doing more in-person, boots-on-the-ground "scouting".

Nothing stifles deer movement more than human presence where it normally isn't on a daily routine.

Hundreds of times I've observed very steady predictable daily deer movements Tues, Wed, & Thursday before a weekend "quota" deer hunt. Hunters come in "scouting" on Friday, actually disturb the deer far more with their Friday "scouting" than their Saturday "hunting". Same areas will have almost no daylight deer movement then on Saturday & Sunday due to the human disturbances. Yet, by Tuesday or Wednesday, back to more steady daytime deer activity.

Just saying, trail cams, especially cell cams, tend to greatly reduce humans in the woods "scouting".
And when other hunters use them, they help me keep tabs on those other hunters, something I can use as much to my advantage, often even more, than actually deer sign in the woods, even if I personally don't use trail cams in those same areas.

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