Classes will be....
Womens Hunter - 30 yd max, known
Hunter - 40 yd max, unknown, must shoot hunting set-up
K45 - 45 yd max, known
Womens K40 - 40 yd max, known
Youth - 13 up to 17 , 30 yd max, known
Senior - 50 and older, 45 yd max, unknown
Novice - 30 yd max, known
Open C - 40 yd max, known
K50 - 50 yd max, known
Open - 45 yd max, unknown
Shooters must shoot all three shoots to be eligible for awards. Groups will be assigned upon arrival. In each class, for first and second place, there will be a combined payback. First place in each class will also be awarded a Tri-State Champion belt buckle. Entry fee for each shoot will be $15.00 per shooter. At the last tournament,(@ Benton Shooters) all scores from all three tournaments will be combined to determine the champions in each class. Shoot times will be from 8am to 3pm except Sunday (June 8) which will be 8am to 1pm and then Tri-State Champions in each class will be announced.
Dates are as follows-- Full Draw Archery April 12 & 13
Davey Mt. Archery May 24 & 25
Benton Shooters 3D June 7 & 8
For more info or directions for Full Draw call David Hasty @ 706-463-2950.
For info or directions for Davey Mt. Archery call Brian Gentry @ 828-557-2571.
For info or directions for Benton Shooters call Matt or Manda @ 706-422-9840 or 423-338-6034.
Womens Hunter - 30 yd max, known
Hunter - 40 yd max, unknown, must shoot hunting set-up
K45 - 45 yd max, known
Womens K40 - 40 yd max, known
Youth - 13 up to 17 , 30 yd max, known
Senior - 50 and older, 45 yd max, unknown
Novice - 30 yd max, known
Open C - 40 yd max, known
K50 - 50 yd max, known
Open - 45 yd max, unknown
Shooters must shoot all three shoots to be eligible for awards. Groups will be assigned upon arrival. In each class, for first and second place, there will be a combined payback. First place in each class will also be awarded a Tri-State Champion belt buckle. Entry fee for each shoot will be $15.00 per shooter. At the last tournament,(@ Benton Shooters) all scores from all three tournaments will be combined to determine the champions in each class. Shoot times will be from 8am to 3pm except Sunday (June 8) which will be 8am to 1pm and then Tri-State Champions in each class will be announced.
Dates are as follows-- Full Draw Archery April 12 & 13
Davey Mt. Archery May 24 & 25
Benton Shooters 3D June 7 & 8
For more info or directions for Full Draw call David Hasty @ 706-463-2950.
For info or directions for Davey Mt. Archery call Brian Gentry @ 828-557-2571.
For info or directions for Benton Shooters call Matt or Manda @ 706-422-9840 or 423-338-6034.